See this sign? It asks a very good question: Where did it go? Too bad it's wedged behind a razor blade display (I daringly moved it so I could take the picture) Too bad it appears on the eighth aisle at Hannaford's. You get to wander through seven aisles totally lost, unguided, like a blind person, before you get to it.
THEN it will tell you that Jif peanut butter has been moved to Aisle Ten, frozen spinach is now on Aisle Twelve, and Old Spice deoderant, and I'd like to know who's looking for that, is right here, darling, just next to the sign. See it?
I can't take it. How much more will be asked of me? Gas is expensive. Students are exasperating (not the ones who read my blog). Squirrels are learning English in my attic. And now this--Hannaford's is remodeling.
What are we thinking?
What will happen to us?
The truly amazing part is that WE ARE STILL SHOPPING HERE. There is a perfectly good yuppified Stop 'n Shop just up the road.
And yet?
And yet?
Like rats we enter the maze and run through it one more time, even though we have no idea where we are or what we came for. Everyone is forgetting their entire list. I came out without garbage bags and that was the main reason I went in.
Blogger finally got me to switch over to Google and I regret it deeply. My entire template is screwed up. But never mind that.
I need a calming influence.
Oh, but this isn't quite it. It's Bobby and Liz, married on my birthday, but WAY BIGGER THAN I WANT THEM. I hate new blogger!!!! I'm lost in its maze, dear reader, and I can't get out!!!! Maybe by next time I'll have it deciphered.
Oh dear god, help me!!!!!
I'll take Hannaford's!!!
A bientot
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