Tuesday, March 31, 2009

BLUT + EISEN - (1985) Schön geseh'n

Blut + Eisen ist eine deutsche Hardcore-Punk-Band aus Hannover, die 1982 gegründet wurde. Bandmitglieder sind Schotte (Gesang), Slinky (Gitarre), Krösus (Bass) und Tier Wolff (Schlagzeug). Der Bandname ist an ein Zitat von Otto von Bismarck angelehnt. Ihre Platten veröffentlichten sie bisher bei Weird System aus Hamburg, einem der großen deutschen Punk-Labels der 80er Jahre. 1987 löste sich die Band auf. 2002 fand noch ein gemeinsames Konzert zur 30-Jahre-UJZ-Glocksee-Feier in Hannover statt. 2008 bis 200???

** Label - Weird System
** Home-page - http://www.myspace.com/blutundeisenhannover
** Buy - http://www.myspace.com/blutundeisenhannover

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TOXOPLASMA: Ausverkauf & Leben Verboten & Self Titled

When British bands like the Sex Pistols and The Clash became popular in West Germany, lots of German bands were founded in order to create their own scene in Germany. One of the first bands was Male, from Düsseldorf, founded in 1976 others included PVC, from West Berlin, or Big Balls and the Great White Idiot, from Hamburg. Early German punk groups were all heavily influenced by UK bands, and often wrote their lyrics in English, and also there weren't any real political influences yet.
Around 1980, there were new movements inside the German punk scene, lead by labels like ZickZack Records from Hamburg, that included New Wave influences like synthesizers inside punk music, which resulted in the so-called Neue Deutsche Welle ("New German Wave", a term first mentioned by Alfred Hilsberg, owner of ZickZack Records). Some bands began to play experimental punk rock, using computer effects or synthesizers. Some of these bands include Fehlfarben or Abwärts from Hamburg, who are still active and changed their style several times. In response to these developments, some bands played a more aggressive style of punk rock, because they did not consider those experimental bands to be part of the punk scene. For example, The Buttocks from Hamburg ranted: "New Wave Time? Nein, nein, nein! / Wollt ihr mehr? Nein, nein, nein!" and "Scheiß auf Alfred und die Bande, Punkrock ist der Herr im Lande" ("New Wave time? No no no! / Do you want more? No no no!", "Fuck Alfred and his gang, punk rock is the master in the country") and played a prototype of German hardcore punk. In the 1980s, lots of new punk bands became popular in the scene and developed the so-called "Deutschpunk" style, which is not a generic term for German punk rock, but an own style of punk music that included quite primitive songwriting, very fast rhythms and politically radical left-wing lyrics, mostly influenced by the Cold War. Probably the most important Deutschpunk band was Slime from Hamburg, who were the first band whose LP was banned because of political topics. Their songs "Deutschland", "Bullenschweine", and "Polizei SA/SS" were banned, some of them are still banned today, because they propagated the use of violence against the police or compared the police to the SA and SS of Nazi Germany. While they still had some English lyrics on their first, self-titled LP, they have concentrated on German lyrics since their second LP "Yankees raus" ("Yankees out", named after the anti-imperialist title track). Other popular bands of this phase include Razzia from Hamburg, Toxoplasma from Neuwied, Canalterror from Bonn, and Normahl from Stuttgart. All of these bands released their records on one of the leading punk labels in West Germany: Weird System Recordings from Hamburg, Aggressive Rockproduktionen (AGR) from West Berlin, and Mülleimer Records ("Garbage Can Records") from Stuttgart.
During this period, many bands have been influenced by U.S. hardcore punk with bands like Black Flag or The Adolescents. Those bands were also known for their extremely left-wing attitude and their aggression carried in their songs. Some of the most important German hardcore punk bands, who are also often labeled "Deutschpunk", included Vorkriegsjugend from West Berlin, Chaos Z from Stuttgart, Inferno from Augsburg and Blut + Eisen from Hanover. Some bands tried a slower, more elaborate style, inspired by bands like The Wipers, the most popular ones being Torpedo Moskau from Hamburg and a number of singer Jens Rachut's bands, like Angeschissen (1986), Blumen am Arsch der Hölle (1992), Dackelblut (1994) and Oma Hans (2000), also from Hamburg. Popular compilations of this period were "Keine Experimente!" (Vol. 1-2) (Weird System Recordings) and "Soundtracks zum Untergang" Vol. (1-2) (AGR).
In the mid-1980s, many of the former popular Deutschpunk bands disbanded, which resulted in a new phase, when so-called "Fun punk" got popular in Germany. Bands like Abstürzende Brieftauben from Hanover, Die Mimmi's from Bremen, Die Ärzte from West Berlin or Schließmuskel ("sphinkter") from Hamminkeln had a left-wing attitude, but had no (directly) political lyrics. Some of them got popular outside the punk scene, but were often criticized by the punk scene for being too trivial. Around the same time, more German hardcore bands started singing in English and got popular outside of Germany, like the Spermbirds from Kaiserslautern or Jingo de Lunch from West Berlin.

TOXOPLASMA: (1991) Ausverkauf (AGR)

1. Akkord
2. An Der Wand Entlang
3. Harekrishna
4. Ausverkauf
5. Fernsehen
6. Rotkapchen
7. Du Und Ich
8. Alles Im Griff
9. Vollgas
10. Der Regisseur
11. Pass Verloren
12. Ruttel Mich
13. Apocalypse (Part. 1)
14. Apocalypse (Part. 2)
TOXOPLASMA: (1994) Leben Verboten (Impact)

1. Deutsch In Kaltland
2. Leben Verboten
3. Heilig
4. Aktenzeichen
5. Stillstand
6. Alle Irren
7. Zeichen Der Zeit
8. Alles Oder Nichts
9. Amok
10. Karma
11. Miriam
12. Alte Zeiten
13. Hosen Runter
14. Kein Platz Zum Leben
TOXOPLASMA: (1983) S/t (AGR)

1. Vakuum
2. S.O.S.
3. Schnauze Voll
4. Gruene Pest
5. Ordinaere Liebe
6. Traeumer
7. Asozial
8. Fuehrer
9. Polizeistaat
10. Pass Dich An
11. Danke
12. Teenage Frust
13. Heile Welt
14. Hardrockgeraet
15. Weltverbesserer
16. Wir Warten Auf Dich

** Buy - n/a

|Hangover Heart Attack Links|
(Ausverkauf) http://f9cb8738.linkbucks.com
(Leben Verboten) http://65c09249.linkbucks.com
(Self Titled) http://4331c86c.linkbucks.com
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Mirror Image

idk why but lately people have been asking me for ALL types of advice...and it isnt even necessarily people that read the blog! just my friends & shit...and i've come across a recurring theme in all the advice i give out...

usually, what people are complaining about are things they have issues dealing with within themselves. My homegirl tells me that her girl is selfish and doesnt want to change. All the while she is complaining about things ahe has done in the past and KEEPS bringing up how she doesnt think she will change & maybe its time for her to move on. I know one thing about me is that if i'm trying to change something within MYSELF for someone ELSE, the LAAAST thing i wanna hear is that motherfuker complaining about me not changing OVERNIGHT!

Like come on, people expect that just because you have realized change or improvement is needed & want to take the steps towards it, doesnt mean your whole attitude whill instantly approve. People slip back into old habits during a time like that & what they need is someone who notices the POSITIVE within them too.

I felt like the fact that she would even STILL be constantly bringing up the past is a sign that she might just be the selfish one. Help your mate out some...

This brings me to the point of past cheaters....Looooord knows if your mate used to cheat...do not (I REPEAT...DO NOOOOOT) keep bringing that shit up! All you are doing is either reminding WHY they cheated or reminding them about the person they cheated WITH....either one is bad lol

but back to the mirror image thing...if you're constantly accusing someone of doing something...it's gonna start looking like you've been sniffing in other peoples gardens & are insecure that its happening to YOU on the other end! It always makes you look like you lack trust in your partner.

Sooo people, my best advice to anyone with a complaint about their mate is to look at yourself in that same way & see if you're committing the same acts you are accusing them of cuz chances are...you probably are!

And you have two options if you're dealing with someone you have a negative past with...
1. let that shit go
2. let that person go
(holding onto both WONT work out for you)

-T. Simpson

Misery and Despair

Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski and his assistants could only sit and watch as their Blue Devils were blown out after intermission.

I like Coach K, but I am not crazy about Duke (especially not after reading I AM CHARLOTTE SIMMONS). Think of the effort these guys put into what they do. Look at the jewelry they're wearing. Think about the jewelry their wives are wearing. I guess our sentiments run along these lines: TOUGH TOENAILS, DUDE.

Billy Gillispie

All coaches of all teams feel they are unfairly put upon by refs. It's humorous.



I believe this is the former Kentucky coach.

"Here are my own children, going without dinner! My own children forfeiting their chance for a good education BECAUSE OF YOU! My house payment, my pastor's house payment, my Bible study group, all going down the drain because YOU CAN'T CALL THE GAME THE WAY I SAY YOU SHOULD! GOD!"

Memphis players thinking about their English paper coming up next week and the loss they endured in March Madness, which will end this weekend.

64 teams participate.

63 teams go home unhappy, robbed, heartbroken, disappointed, and traumatized.

Me, I'm going for dental surgery this morning. I would trade.

Later, dear reader.

A bientot with love,


Monday, March 30, 2009

Thierry Henry Wallpapers

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Andrei Shevchenko wallpaper

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Andrei Arshavin Wallpapers

Andrei Arshavin WallpapersAndrei Arshavin Wallpapers

Andrei Arshavin Wallpapers 2Andrei Arshavin Wallpapers #2

Andrei ArshavinAndrei Arshavin Wallpapers #3

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pedestrian Concerns

Stop Sign This message is unmistakable, isn't it? Even in Russia, it is unmistakable.



Sometimes a traffic sign tries to explain too much.

This one tells you which way to go and also the existential ramifications of Chekhov's Uncle Vanya.

In France, of course, they like to use their own word, and they get to pay someone to put that little squiggly mark above the "e." Fine. Although to an English speaker, it suggests STOP OR YOU WILL BE ARRESTED. This we can relate to.

I also don't have a problem with Walk and Don't Walk. Again they make sense. I grew up with them.

Walk Crossing Signal

Flashing Don't Walk Signal

Even the little guy walking makes sense.

Did someone get embarrassed by the low-tech image of this guy? Did someone finally heave a big sigh and say good grief, this image is right out of Pong, people. Space Invaders, for god's sake. What kind of message do we want to send to the world? Is THAT why everything is switched now to The Hand?

Sorry, but I'm not on board with that. Since when did a hand come to mean STOP?

Don't Walk Crossing Signal Even if it is in red, a hand to me means HI! COME ON OVER! GREAT TO SEE YOU! DON'T WORRY ABOUT CARS!


By the way, dear reader, though I am no Star Trek fan [can't watch characters with giant stitched up furrows in their foreheads--it gives me a headache and makes me want to check in the mirror to see how my own furrows are doing], my own hand since October 2 of last year, resembles Mr. Spock's. I haven't tried killing anybody yet with the Vulcan Neck Touch, but the day is young.

See that? My ring finger is wonky and hangs to the side. I will always now show solidarity with Spock, one I never loved, but oh well.

And so why not other Hand signals?

Come on, come on. You know you want to. Cross the street, you dmfk.



Friday Zest, dear reader--enjoy!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's Your Pet Peeve??

I cant stand when i write to my man and he doesn't respond...at all lol
I can understand if it's something that doesnt require a response but dang...half the time when it does require one, i get nothing. This is an ongoing theme for us, for me to get mad about this. It started becoming cute now because he doesnt even realize half the time that he does it...but let me tell you...it is a HUGE pet peeve of mine?


TOWERS OF LONDON - Blood, Sweat And Towers @224kbps

1.i'm a rat
2.air guitar
3.kill the pop scene
5.fuck it up acoustic
7.good time
8.on a noose
9.start believing
10.northern lights
11.i lose it
12.fuck it up
13.how rude she was
14.son of a preacher (bonus)
15.seen it all

** year - 2006
** Label - TVT

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NOMEANSNO - Mama & Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred @224kbps

..Living is Free
..My Roommate is Turning Into A Monster
..Red Devil
..Mama's Little Boy
..We Are The Chopped
..No Sex
..Rich Guns
..No Rest for the Wicked
..Living in Detente
..Try Not to Stutter
..I'm All Wet
..Approaching Zero
..Forget Your Life

** Home-page - www.myspace.com/myspaceiswrong

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MUDHONEY - The Lucky Ones

The Lucky Ones marks Mudhoney's twentieth anniversary as a band, and in those two decades they've evolved from the guys that first brought the Seattle sound to loser record collectors around the world into a living anachronism as the Last Grunge Band Left Alive. But The Lucky Ones is a telling album to release on Mudhoney's big birthday, as it's the simplest and most unadorned album the band has released since 1995's overlooked masterpiece My Brother the Cow, and also the best. While Since We've Become Translucent and Under a Billion Suns proved Mudhoney had lost nothing in the way of fire or focus in the Twenty-First Century, The Lucky Ones is a brave step backwards into the primitivism of Superfuzz Bigmuff, and though Tucker Martine's engineering and mix is cleaner and better detailed than what Jack Endino brought to the band's early sessions, the approach seems much the same -- roll tape and lurch into the songs with all the muscle the boys can muster, and when the band kicks into fourth gear on "The Open Mind," "I'm Now" and the title cut, this stuff comes on as raw and messed-up as anything Mudhoney has unleashed in years, and Steve Turner's guitar work is little short of feral. The twisted sense of humor that informed much of Mudhoney's "classic period" is in short supply, but Mark Arm's command of the verbal sneer remains unsurpassed, and when he bellows "the lucky ones have already gone down," its with the voice of the leader of the last gang in town. For good or ill Mudhoney remain bloody but unbowed, heavyweight champions of fuzz and feedback, and on the evidence of The Lucky Ones, no one with any sense is going to challenge their title anytime soon; they built this strange machine, and they can drive it better than anyone before or since.
-- by Mark Deming, Allmusic Guide

1.i'm now
2.inside out over you
3.the lucky ones
4.next time
5.and the shimmering light
6.the open mind
7.what's this thing
8.running out
9.tales of terror
10.we are rising
11.new meaning

** year - 2008
** Label - Sub Pop
** Home-page -
** Buy - Amazon

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NOMEANSNO - 0 + 2 = 1 @224kbps

Nomeansno started out as a sort of drum-and-bass band from Victoria, BC. They are simply superb, great lyrics and a growling bass, exquisite percussions. I'm a Nomeansno fan for years and saw them live in Belgium, thrilling! This cd is a gem, but, so is all their stuff. Nomeansno are the most criminally under-rated band in the history of rock. Buy this and find out how good they are. 0 + 2 = 1 is a more-than-usually accessible mixture of the catchy (Now), the amusing (Every Day I Start To Ooze) and the disturbed (Ghosts). Highly recommended. And then go and buy Wrong...Simply masterful. Everyone who dissects music apppreciates the nuances of music - we critique everything we hear. When an apex has been reached (Beethoven's Ninth), we know it immediately. But as much as we appreciate the cognitive details in the final cut, it is the emotional force that sets the blood aflow. Side 2 of this baby (Mary, Joyful Reunion, etc.) is PERFECTION - pure, raw yet disturbingly refined, malevolent and fast, the insanity of the unknown coupled with grit your teeth, shove the safety pin through your cheek, down a shot of whatever happens to be available, punch a hole in the wall and get ready to take the "beater" out for some "alley-can bashin".......If you're not bleedin' by the end of side two, you don't know no @#$%!

..The Fall
..0 + 2 = 1
..The Valley of the Blind
..Everyday I Start to Ooze
..When Putting It Al in Order Ain't Enough
..The Night Nothing Became Everything
..I Think You Know
..Joyful Reunion

** year - 1991
** Label - Alternative Tentacles
** Home-page - www.myspace.com/myspaceiswrong
** Buy - Alternative Tentacles

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CHAOS U.K.- Kanpai (EP) @256kbps

Chaos UK began its long journey in 1979, with a lineup consisting of vocalist Simon, guitarist Andy, bassist Kaos, and drummer Potts. They eventually signed with Riot City Records and released two 7" records in 1982. That same year, they released an eponymous LP with a slightly different lineup. Kaos had moved to vocals, and new members Spot and Nige took over on drums and bass, respectively. They left the label soon after and disappeared until 1984's Lawless Britain, also known as Short Sharp Shock, which came out on Children of the Revolution Records. They also had a new lineup at this point, now featuring singer Mower, drummer Chuck, guitarist Gabba, and Kaos. An interesting minor controversy would result from this album, as Michelle Shocked would release an album called Short Sharp Shocked with virtually the same cover art, much to the band's dismay. The lineup actually lasted to the next album, 1986's Radioactive Earslaughter, which came out at the same time as a split disc with Extreme Noise Terror. Without any real reason, they went into semi-retirement almost immediately afterwards, staying out of the music scene until 1989, which saw the release of Chipping Sodbury Bonfire Tapes on their own Slap Up Records. The title was a dig at Shocked, who had an album titled The Texas Campfire Tapes. Mower would soon leave the band, bringing Kaos back to vocals and bringing in Beki on bass. The Live in Japan album was recorded in 1991 (although it came out three years later), but after their tour of the east they would lose Chuck and replace him with Devilman. They also added a second guitarist, Vic (ex-Reagan Youth). This lineup would release the Making Half a Killing album soon after (the title is a play on another Extreme Noise Terror split disc). 1993 saw the release of One Hundred Percent Two Fingers in the Air on Century Media Records. New drummer Phil Thudd and new bassist J. signed on for King for a Day (1996), Morning After the Night Before (1996), and Heard It, Seen It, Done It (1997), but Devilman was still in the band and even played on the albums while Beki had since left. Members of the band began to start side projects, including A.D. Rice and the Wuzzuks, but they still released Total Chaos in 1999 and Chaos in Japan in 2001. ~ Bradley Torreano, All Music Guide

2.2000 lies
3.this song has been genetically modified

** year - 2006
** Label - Discipline
** Home-page - www.myspace.com/chaosukmusic
** Buy - CD Universe

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BLITZKRIEG & PARADOX U.K. - Gathering Storm @224kbps

Blitzkrieg were founded in 1979 in Southport, Merseyside UK. In 1981 a deal was struck with No Future Records which resulted in a track on the Country Fit For Heroes 12". The first track was The Future Must Be Ours the 12" reached No 1 on the indie charts and over 50,000 copies were sold. 1982 brought their debut EP the much acclaimed Lest We Forget EP which charted at Number 11 in the indies on the April 24th 1982 and sold over 20,000. The next release resulted in the Animals In Lipstick 7" EP which charted at number 30 in the indies, its highest point on June 4th 1983. Blitzkrieg called it a day towards the end of that year, with members going on to re-join The Insane, Discharge, Parasites, and more. Blitzkrieg were re-formed in 1987 with a few line up changes, then '89 saw the band take another rest, with Spike forming his own band Paradox UK. 1990 saw Spike and Gaz re-ignite Blitzkrieg again, with Spike taking along Paradox UK Guitar man Ales into the fold, this line up recorded and released The Future Must be Ours album on Retch Records in 1991. A full UK tour with Discharge and Varukers was undertaken. The band eventually disbanded and Paradox UK were born from the ashes. With many releases under their belt, they toured in the UK non-stop. Both bands represent the sound and ferocity of what we now call UK82 punk rock. Paradox UK dived into streetpunk a little more, but both bands fly the hardcore punk banner. Both bands finally called it a day, recording one LAST recording for their Blitzkrieg/Paradox UK split The Gathering Storm CD released in Feb. 2005 on Street Anthem Records which also features two video tracks. Learn your roots and pick up a copy of what is a big part in the history of Punk rock.

1.like lambs they went [Blitzkrieg]
2.raging on [Blitzkrieg]
3.great advance [Blitzkrieg]
4.take what you want [Blitzkrieg]
5.mania [Blitzkrieg]
6.we should be the ones [Blitzkrieg]
7.scars on the land [Blitzkrieg]
8.death poverty and despair [Blitzkrieg]
9.reality of ultimate power [Blitzkrieg]
10.distraction raprise [Paradox U.K.]
11.Malaydsian Madness [Paradox U.K.]
12.Question Mark [Paradox U.K.]
13.Take What You Want [Paradox U.K.]
14.Deception [Paradox U.K.]
15.Restrictions [Paradox U.K.]
16.Charmed Existence [Paradox U.K.]
17.Into the Fires [Paradox U.K.]

** year - 2006
** Label - Street Anthem
** Home-page - n/a
** Buy - http://www.streetanthemrecords.com/Blitzkrieg.htm

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NOMEANSNO - Live + Cuddly @224kbps

To the extent that a Nomeansno show was exactly like a spiritual revelation, this cd is the resurrection and the life.While everything about Wrong is right, some of these songs, especially What Slayde Says and Victory, are about the finest versions of these songs I am familiar with. They distort and mess with your expectations. The vocals are totally clear. I gets to shakin' When I put this on tonite, I had just forgotten how good it was. It's like a perfect Nomeansno show, and I ain't apologizing for it.

..It's Catching Up (intro)..two lips two lungs and one tongue..rags and bones..body bag.. brother rat..what slayde says..some bodies..teresa, give me that knife..victory..dark ages.. the end of all things..the day everything became nothing..dead souls..metronome..no fucking

** year - 1991
** Label - Alternative Tentacles
** Home-page - www.myspace.com/myspaceiswrong
** Buy - Alternative Tentacles

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Becky Explains the Economy

Once upon a time a whole lot of people borrowed a whole lot of money.

They went to Disney World.

They bought cool clothes and toys. Lots and lots of toys.

They bought shiny things in happy colors and things they didn't really need. "I deserve it" was what they said. "I want it now."

It was wicked fun. It was so much fun that they kept doing it and doing it.

It was like getting to see Curious George over and over and then Barney after that and then George again and then having pizza and cupcakes and Hershey's kisses and ice cream all day long and no broccoli.

The Big People didn't say no. The Big People were the ones doing it.

Some Big People are called Adults for no reason. They bought houses with no money down. No money down means you don't have to pay for it. That's what the Big People thought. It's what you call a bonanza. Or irresponsible. These houses were called McMansions, which is sort of like a hamburger at McDonald's except the hamburger ends up being worth more.

That means "we can't pay" in French.

No, there's no Big Bad Wolf in this story, I'm sorry. There's a lot of Big Scary Stupid People, though. Some of them took these loans and wrapped them up in packages and sold them to other Adults who wrapped them up and sold them again.

Pretty soon there were lots and lots of packages. Then the Big People on Wall Street sold insurance policies and credit swaps and they were all packaged and gift wrapped and put under a great big no-money-down Christmas tree.

But you know who showed up then, right, Maeve? And it was a big funny joke. Nobody could pay back the money!

And then some really bad stuff got in front of a fan. A great big fan, way bigger than this one.

I'm sorry I don't know the ending. Everybody is hoping that Timmy the Wonder Boy will save America. No, he is not a monkey, but some people think he is a weasel. I don't, though, honey. I think he will try his best. I'll try to finish the story for you next week, how's that?

A bientot