Sunday, February 28, 2010

Guest Author day with Brynn Colvin

Were you an avid reader as a child? What type of books did you enjoy reading?

I was an absolute bookworm, and read any kind of fiction I could get my hands on. I liked things with mythic elements - Alan Garner's books, Kevin Crossley Holland. Adventure and swashbuckling featured heavily as well.

Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story

My most recent paperback is an anthology I've been involved with. The idea for a collection of tales about gay immortals came from Nix Winter, and that started me off. I'd been meaning to do a dryad tale, and sitting under a yew tree a lot. It all went from there really.

How would you describe your creative process while writing this book? Was it stream-of-consciousness writing, or did you first write an outline?

I very seldom write outlines. I spend a while figuring out the characters and setting, and then I see where it goes. I have more fun that way.

Did your book require a lot of research?

A little bit of online hunting for details, but mostly I was drawing on things I know. I prefer to read around, collect random information and then use it for stories, rather than having an idea and researching it.

If you could have any vice without repercussions, what would it be?

I'd quite like to be able to smoke passively without it doing me or the smoker any harm at all! I developed a weakness for passive smoking while at college, my bloke smokes, and I'd much rather he could do that without any risks.

What is the funniest/most embarrassing/scariest story from one of your books signings or events?

Dealing with people I know in person who have read my erotica has caused some embarrassment, but I try not to let on!

If you could have been the servant to any famous person in history, who would that be and why?

Beethoven - love his music, and have a slightly masochistic weakness for grumpy older men.

What so you see for the future of publishing and ebooks?

Ebooks are on the rise, but I don't think they will ever fully replace paper. I think we'll see more print on demand, and an reduction of the influence big publishing houses have on the industry.

Which of your characters do you love/hate/fear/pity the most and why?

Love - Salamandra from because she's cute and dangerous. Fear? Jade from Heaven and Hell because she's all the more psychotic parts of my own mind. Pity? Jack Hunking in The White Hare's Lament, because I really tortured him in that story. Hate...? I don't think I've written a character I hated. Some of them express things I hate, but that's slightly different.

Do you get along with your muse? What do you do to placate her when she refuses to inspire you?

My muses have always been actual people. If I'm not feeling inspired, I go talk to one of them (usually Tom) It's always worked so far.

Do you have another book in the works? Would you like to tell readers about your current or future projects for 2010?

I always have things in the pipeline. We have quite a rapid turnaround at so things tend to come out not long after I've written them. If I'm doing short stories, that can make for a short journey between idea and publication. So, I don't know yet! I'm hoping to do some druidic non-fiction work, and perhaps someone can be persuaded to do in book for - or maybe I'll self publish that one.

Have you ever experience weird cravings while you write? If so, what kind?

Writing erotica produces some very specific cravings. Otherwise, I like my coffee fixes, but that's about it.

What is the worst, best, most embarrassing or funniest situation your writing career has put you in?

The best moment so far was being in the Stirring up a Storm anthology from Thunder's Mouth Press, because it also featured a story by Margaret Atwood and I'm a huge fan of her work. I was very proud of that one.

Where can readers find you on the web?

aside from the above, is the centre of activity, and

Death and The Immortal excerpt

Turning the last corner towards home, William stopped in his tracks and gaped. The once majestic yew tree dominating his corner of the village green had been felled in his absence. There had been no warning before he went on holiday and no chance to protest. It shouldn’t be so easy to slaughter a giant.  A couple of youthful workmen in council uniforms stripped off side branches, bantering with each other. If I had been here... It took the middle aged man some moments to compose his thoughts.
             Aghast at the carnage, he approached them. “Why have you done this?”
            “It was dangerous, wasn’t it,” one of the young men said, with a disinterested shrug. “Going rotten.”
            “It was ancient, and beautiful,” he protested. He could hardly bear to look at the severed stump, or the denuded trunk lying nearby. William had loved the tree through a decade spent living in its shadow. The giant had dwarfed his cottage, shading it all year round. He thought of it as a friend. Bereft by the destruction, he headed for his gate. Too much the eccentric outsider to make friends here, the yew had been his only reliable comfort and companion. Its violent demise grieved him and he snuffled back tears.
            Wrapped in his thoughts he did not notice the figure on his doorstep until almost treading on an unexpected limb. The sight of bare feet snapped him out of his sorrows. He took in the uninvited presence. Reddy-brown arms wrapped about the head, and dark green hair offered a strange contrast. As William halted, the defensive posture relaxed slightly. Vast, dark eyes rose to meet his gaze, deeper than he had known brown could be, and filled with sorrow. Beautiful. He realised the figure was dressed only in sacking, most of his skin exposed. The sight of that much lithe male flesh sent his heart racing. However, the man looked to be in trouble, so he ignored the rush of desire. “Can I help you?” William asked, genuinely concerned by this development.
            “Would you give me a sanctuary in which I can die quietly?”
            Stunned by the request, he could do nothing but gape. “Die?”
            “A day or two at most. I would not have troubled you, but where else would I go? It’s so exposed here.”
            “Do I know you?” William’s mind raced, skimming through memories of numerous brief flings and encounters. He felt sure he would have remembered that incredible skin colour and those devastating eyes.
            “Yes William. Yes you do.” A melancholy smile touched the speaker’s face.
            “Forgive me; I don’t remember your name.” That happened all too often. They blurred into each other and memory could not distinguish between them. How could I have forgotten you though?
            “I have not told it you.”

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Slumber Party

5pm. The party starts. There is one guest--Maeve, my granddaughter. One hostess--me. Difference in age: vast. CENSORED. Difference in energy level: vast. Very vast. The most vast.

Cute Sleeping Kitten

The entertainment varies from 101 Dalmatians (viewed approximately four times)No. 11

to How The Grinch Stole Christmas , viewed approximately 3 times. Enjoyment of the Grinch is enhanced at my house because my fiberoptic Christmas tree still stands in the den window. Maeve asked for it to be lit and so what the heck, I plugged it in. I wonder what passing motorists might have thought. There goes Motew, out of whack again, I suppose.

Anyway, I am an expert on these films now. If you have any questions at all, dear reader, feel free to ask . By the fourth Dalmatian viewing, I was wondering how the man and woman, owners of the dogs, supported themselves, since the husband did nothing from morning to night except sit in the attic and write music. They have a maid too! An amiably plump housekeeper who looks an awful lotlike the Bibbity Bobbity Boo godmother in Cinderella.
Don't you think I'm right, dear reader?

While we're at it, Cruella DeVil is supposed to be an old school chum of the wife's, but looks at least twenty years older with a big swath of gray hair.

Right? Am I right?

But whatever.

Who's counting and all that?

In the name of pre-school entertainment, we relax our analytical scrutiny.

We play Trivial Pursuit. Well, we throw the die from the Trivial Pursuit game and count the little pieces that are attached to the game. Some I fear may now be embedded into the carpet.

We eat dinner. Well, Grandma Becky eats, but Maeve ingests approximately one half of a Pepperidge Farm chocolate chip cookie.

Bedtime begins at 8pm. It is not successful. We come downstairs for one more viewing of 101 Dalmatians.

I can't exactly remember everything after that. I think there was snoring and kicking by hostess and guest. There was definitely sleep deprivation, from which I am still suffering.

Anyway, it was fun and I look forward to the next one. And, uh, I need to buy more movies.

A rivedercci con amore
A bientot,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Software Patents and Business Methods Patents, Are They Patentable?

Are software and business methods patentable? If you have been Googling the topic recently, you may have heard that the US Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit have heard a series of different cases during the past few years regarding it. Before I get into the history below, the short answer is still generally yes for software patents, with exceptions, but probably not for pure business methods, with exceptions of course!

Some of the earliest cases in the 70’s held that abstract ideas are not patentable, thus computer software which is composed of algorithms/mathematical concepts were held not to be patentable. This was an initial strike against software patents! Later in the 80’s the Supreme Court ruled on Diamond v. Diehr. The patent in question related to an invention for a method to determine how rubber is heated so it can be best “cured.” The invention was tied to a computer that calculated heating times of the rubber. The claims included a computer program claim and method claims. The Supreme Court held that the invention was not simply a mathematical algorithm, but was a valid process and
therefore patentable.

Throughout the years however, other cases came out that conflicted with Diehr. It wasn’t until the 90’s, in the seminal Supreme Court case of State Street Bank v. Signature Financial Group, which seemed to clarify the patentability of software patents. This patent related to a method of running mutual funds. Again, the issue revolved around the patentability of a mere mathematical algorithm or business method. The Supreme Court held the patent as valid and thus allowing a business method to be patentable subject matter. A key point was that the software must yield a “useful, concrete and tangible result”. So for many the feeling was that the patent claims needed to be drafted such that the software or processes were tied to a computer or processor to achieve a useful, concrete and tangible result to be patentable.

Fast forward to 2008, the Federal Circuit ruled on the In re Bilski matter which garnered a lot of media attention as to the patentability of business methods and computer software. The main claim at issue in the Bilski patent was for a method of hedging risk in the field of commodities trading. The claim was considered to be a pure business method because it dealt with simply a mental process (information that is analyzed and acted upon). The Court walked away with a new test requiring that a process is patentable if "(1) it is tied to a particular machine or apparatus, or (2) it transforms a particular article into a different state or thing." This new machine-or-transformation test really called into question pure method claims, and software method claims as well.

Then in late 2009 the Bilski matter was pushed to the Supreme Court to decide if the machine-or-transformation test is a proper test to determine patentability of business methods. The Supreme Court will rule on the case sometime in mid 2010. Upholding of Bilski will likely require all business method patent claims to be tied to a machine and require processes to either transform an article or be timed to a machine. More will follow after the Bilski decision later this year!

Me, myself, and I

Alice Gaines here. Dawn told me I could talk about whatever I wanted, so I thought I'd discuss my favorite subjects - me, myself, and I. Better yet, let's have them introduce themselves.

Myself: Good morning, or afternoon, depending on where you are.

Me: Aren't you getting all cute and geographical?

I: Starting out with the attitude already, eh?

Me: I see you're your usual snooty self.

Myself: Stop it, you two.

I: She started it.

Me: Mom liked you best.

Myself: No Smothers Brothers! You're dating us. Settle down. We're supposed to be talking about our two latest releases. I, why don't you go first?

Me: Yawn.

Myself: (Glares at both of them.)

I: Thank you. (Looks down her nose at Me.) My story is To Touch a Woman. It's in the series Three Kinds of Wicked from Red Sage Publishing.

My hero and heroine, Edward and Margaret Sinclair, are deeply in love with each other, but their marriage is in serious trouble. As good Victorians, neither of them learned anything about the sex act, and Edward's clumsiness causes Margaret pain every time they make love. She has no idea how to fix the problem, and her reassurances that she loves him, anyway, only make matters worse.

Me: Is that supposed to be exciting? Two rich English people who don't know their way around a bedroom?

I: Let me finish. Ahem, as I was saying...Edward and Margaret meet a mysterious stranger named Treveylan. His touch seems to have some calming effect on her. After dinner at an inn, when Margaret's left the two men to go to bed, Edward learns that Trey, as he insists on being called, is quite knowledgeable in the ways of the flesh. Desperate to do whatever he has to in order to save his marriage, he does the unthinkable...he asks Trey to make love with Margaret and allow him to watch. That way, she'll enjoy sex for once, and he'll learn how to touch his woman.

Me: Oh, it's a menage.

I: Yes, genius, it's a menage. And now, if you'll let me finish...The three stay together until Edward and Margaret have become experts at giving each other pleasure, and Trey leaves as mysteriously as he arrived.

Myself: That sounds like a very nice story.

I: Thanks. It's available at

Myself: Okay, Me, tell us about your story.

Me: My next release will be at Changeling Press. It's called Dragon Shift.

I: Dragon? Shift?

Me: Yeah, Sherlock. You figured it out. My hero and heroine are dragon shapeshifters.

I: There's no such creature.

Me: How do you know? Besides, it's a story. You should really just relax.

Myself: Mystery Science Theatre? You're dating us again.

Me: The dragon princess, Ilona, was kidnapped by demon shapeshifters as a small child.

I: (raises eyebrow) Demons, too?

Myself: Shhhhh.

Me: Now, she's mating age, and her mate - the dragon crown prince Drake - has to find her before one of the demons can seduce her and ruin her with his evil. Ilona doesn't understand why she keeps having uncontrollable sexual urges. She's been saving herself for the dragon she dreams of every night, but then, mischief shows up in the form of a sexy biker named Zimm. Her body craves Zimm, but her heart belongs in a beautiful, green valley with her dragon lover.

A stranger appears, claiming to be her dragon. She can't believe him, until he takes her on their mating flight. Then, they only need to break free from the demons who want to hold her to have their happily ever after.

I: That does sound exciting. And sexy.

Me: Thank you. It'll be on sale on March 5 at

Myself: There, now, wasn't that better?

I: I suppose so.

Me: Yeah, I guess.

Myself: On behalf of all of us, we'd like to thank you for spending a few moments with Me, myself, and I

Alice Gaines writes hot romances for Red Sage Publishing, Changeling Press, Spice Briefs, and soon Carina Press. You can write to her at or visit her website at

She does argue with herself from time to time and sometimes refers to herself in the third person, apparently.

Disney Cartoon Princess

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cartoon Characters

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AGRESSION: [1983] Don't Be Mistaken

Oxnard, SC, skatepunks from 1983 with "Intense Energy" (the well-named killer here that originally appeared on the super period compilation Someone's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In), teen natural amphetamines, and a few real hot tunes. Pummeling edge and clear singing are a real plus. Not exactly T.S. Eliot in the lyrics department, but like Jody Foster's Army, Agression completely anticipated the mixing of cultures (punks and skateboard enthusiasts) forever documented in Thrasher mag. Review by Jack Rabid, All Music Guide

1.It Can Happen
2.Brain Bondage
3.Non Person
4.Body Count
5.Money Machine
6.No Mercy
7.Don't Be Mistaken
8.Intense Energy
10.Locals Only
12.Secret Sex
13.Stop the Clock
14.Cat Killer
15.Dear John Letter
16.Rat Race
..password: hha

[2000] Live

Live features the Cadillac Tramps performing a selection of the best material from their Dr. Dream albums (which were out of print at the time of this release). Recorded at the Galaxy in Orange County, Live does an excellent job of summing up the first part of the band's career.
Review by Steve Huey, All Music Guide

2.hoodoo guru
3.don't ya know
4.shoul i on the edge
7.barbed wire
8.medicine man
9.cadillac hearse
10.move to the hills
12.drivin' intro
16.train to fame
..password: hha

AUTOMATIC 7: [1995] Automatic 7

New Jersey punkers Automatic 7 had the vocalic growl similar to SoCal punk revivalists, yet honed their own brash rock sound. Formed during the mid-'90s in New Brunswick, vocalist John Hulett, bassist Nic Nifoussi, and guitarist Phil Jaurigui, molded jaunty punk-pop inside the hardcore face spewing off about the downward spirals of drugs and deception. A self-titled debut was issued in 1996; the follow up, 2001's Beggar's Life, marked the band's first for Vagrant Records.
MacKenzie Wilson , All Music Guide

1.Bury Me
2.Lucky One
6.Getting Older
7.Closer to the Stars
9.Hold On
10.Picture That
..password: hha

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


By: Angelica Hart and Zi

Reflecting back on the period of time when we were writing KILLER DOLLS I recall during a Lamestorming session proposing something much like the following. Grand ideas find their genesis in the courage to present them. Lamestorming is the process we utilize where an idea is thrown on the table to see if it is viable or lame.

A: What are you doing with your dog?
Z: Correcting a mistake. (Zi was washing and drying the top of the dog's head. Apologizing and scolding)
A: Mistake? (Angelica looked perplexed)
Z: Unbeknownst to me the curious pup followed me into the bathroom and while I was splashing porcelain she put her head between my legs and well... thus the need for her cleansing.
A: Ick!!
Z: What about the story I left for you to read?
A: That was a ton of purple prose. Says nothing. Adds nothing. Just fills space.
Z: But I like it.
A: I like my date book but I would not try to publish it.
Z: Let me read it out loud to you. My great voice and intonation may sway you.

There once lived a bear family. The Thrice Ursines. A Poppa Bear. A Momma Bear. And a Baby Bear. This can be a standard modern day bear family. Zero population growth. You might have heard this story. If not, where the H E double toothpicks have you been?

One Saturday they sat down to breakfast of porridge, that's old story talk for oatmeal. The Poppa Bear tasted his porridge and said it was too hot. The other bears agreed and they decided to take a walk in the local forest so as to let the steamin' stuff become a more consumable temperature. Thus providing a possible answer to that age old question, "Did da bear shat in the woods?"

In addition one was sure that the to-be-Poopa Bear (pun intended) was also about to scold the Momma Bear about not paying attention to the cookin', thus perpetuating the social standards for gender interaction as the baby watched. That man's-king-of-his-domain stuff knows no animal kingdom boundaries. Shame on the old bear, he needs to watch 'im some Oprah Bear.

"What could you possibly have been thinking to allow the porridge to become scaldin'," i.e., a scoldin' on scaldin', alliteration intended. He could have been far more insulting but he did love his wife. And she did have very large teeth.

Well, the story continued. It does get a little more spirited. Along came a little girl named Goldilocks w/ long blonde gold hair, so transparently weak of a naming by the original author, lazy, but thus the name. Gads, I bet you knew that. Goldilocks. Imaginative parents. (Go with me for the story's sake) Probably they shared the same brain. (Weak analysis on my part... Ignore the previous comment) She saw the house and broke in. First degree breaking and entering. Criminal. A common burglar. Another commentary on the parenting thing albeit a lack of it by her parents who probably were self-absorbed. A trophy wife who spent all her time at the gym firming gravity influenced fleshy parts and a workaholic father who was having an affair with of all folks the mother's gynecologist. Lessons and values begin at home. That's another tale.

Well, she saw the three bowls of oatmeal and tried one, the Poopa Bear's, and naturally uttered, "This stuff is too #@%* hot!" Because she was a modern and undisciplined teenager she actually used the vulgar word. I am above that. Then she tried the next bowl, the Momma Bear's. "This stuff is too #@%* cold," she said flipping the bird. Shame on her. No one saw but it does speak to her lack of prudence. Then she tried the next bowl, the Baby Bear's. "This stuff is just right," and she ate it all up, so goes the story. What a piggy.

I'm certain most any middle American has heard this tale so let me move through it more quickly. She then did the chairs ... too #@%* hard ... too #@%* soft ... just right and then breaks the damned thing. Oops, I said damned but that's pseudo-ok. This all was an obvious statement to her size and/or the poor workmanship of the furniture maker. The modern girl of this day and age had a bit more mass on her arse then had her bulimic mother at her same age. The fast food phenomenon? Who knows. The Japanese would insist that it was the workmanship but it is all a mute point to the story. So forget I said anything.

Well, off to the bedrooms ... this bed too #@%* hard ... too #@%* soft ... obviously they have separate sleepin' accommodations an elderly thing of the first order of why Poopa Bear had such a poopa attitude. Additionally, an apt explanation as to why they have just one babe.

Moving on, quickly, we are moving, moving, moving, and then the baby's bed and that's just right and bingo to sleep she falls. This itself speaks to the nature of this girl. A bizarre thing to do. Consider this, you are breakin' and enterin' and for whatever reason you decide to take a nap. One must suspect she had a subconscious desire to be caught. Psycho-101.

Well, the furry family returned. You knew that. Shats accomplished. Myth no longer a mystery. You didn't know that. And now it began. The who's been eatin' my stuff... blaa blaaa... yes and ate it all up... my chair... blaa blaaa and broke it... the beds who's been sleepin' in my bed... who's been sleepin' in my bed finally said Momma Bear and messed up the frilly comforter. So gender cliché.

At this moment the baby bear opened his door a crack and looked in, turned to his parents, smiled and said, "Good night Mom and Dad!"

Z: The end. Well?
A: Wasteful exercise.
Z: Did it make you smile?
A: A little. (Grinning a lot)
Z: Then we need to find a place for it.
A: The trash bin.
Z: Fine. Break a writer's spirit.
A: Don't do the Jewish Mother guilt dump.
Z: Fine. You do know I am an excellent animal trainer. Taught my Elmo to crap on command. You might reconsider leaving your purse anywhere than on the floor... you mean destroyer of a writer's spirit person... you!
A: Are you done?
Z: Why, yes, I am. I have another story about a boy named Jack with some magic beans.

The moral to this story. Not all words even if you wrote them are good.
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who emails us at and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi
Killer Dolls ~ September 2009
Snake Dance ~ February 2010
Chasing Gravitas ~ July 2010

Champagne Books












Kung_Fu Panda is a 2008 year American animated film. It was very good and it's directed by John Wayne Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb and stars Jack Black as Po. The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation's studio in Glendale, California and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film stars the voice of Jack Black as the panda, Po, along with the voices of Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim, James Hong and Jackie Chan. Set in ancient China, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda who aspires to be a kung fu master. After a much-feared ex-disciple is prophesied to escape from prison, Po is foretold to be the Dragon Warrior by the head of the temple, much to his shock and surprise, as well as the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors.
Although the concept of a "kung_fu-panda" has been around since at least 1993, work on the film did not begin until 2004. The idea for the film was conceived by Michael Lachance, a DreamWorks Animation executive. The film was originally intended to be a parody, but director Stevenson decided instead to shoot an action comedy martial arts film in the spirit of Hong Kong action cinema that incorporates the hero's journey narrative archetype for the lead character. The computer animation in the film was more complex than anything DreamWorks had done before. As with most DreamWorks animated films, Hans Zimmer (collaborating with John Powell this time) scored Kung_Fu-Panda. He visited China to absorb the culture and get to know the China National Symphony Orchestra as part of his preparation.
Kung_Fu-Panda premiered in the United States on June 1, 2008, and has since received very favorable reviews from critics. The film currently garners an 89% "Certified Fresh" approval rating from review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. Kung Fu Panda opened in 4,114 theaters, grossing $20.3 million on its opening day and $60.2 million on its opening weekend, resulting in the number one position at the box office. The film has achieved DreamWorks's biggest opening for a non-sequel film, highest grossing animated movie of the year, and the third-largest weekend overall for a DreamWorks animated film, behind Shrek the Third and Shrek 2. I very like this film, it was very interesting and make me amazed.