DON'T CHEAT..........TEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the easiest solution to your problem. In a relationship there should be a certain level of comfort. You should be able to express your feelings to your significant other. Although the previous statement is true, it may be hard to tell your 'boo' that they are bad in bed. I have a way to fix that too...
If this is a situation you are currently in...listen up! The next time you are about to get it on with your mate, ask them to play a game of Simon Says...or whatever your name is. Instruct them to do exactly what you want, but only when you say '_____ says'. This way they won't feel like they've done something wrong, they'll think you're just being kinky...but at the same time you are literally teaching them exactly what you like.
Another way to approach it is positive reinforcement. The sex can't be ALL bad, so when they do something you like...verbalize it. This will encourage them to do that more often. There are several ways to go about it, just make it fun and subtle.
The worst way to handle this is to blatantly tell your mate you don't like the sex. This may cause them to draw away or become self-conscious.
It pains me to hear anyone say they're cheating because they don't get what they want at home. Nine times out of ten, the person you're cheating on for this reason is who you actually want to be with, and the person you're cheating with is just filling a void.
If you're going to complain about something, do your part to fix it. It can be fixed...nothing is impossible. When people are in love they enjoy pleasing each other, so why wouldn't they work on it for you??
To sit there and fake orgasms and make them think they are putting it down is the reason they haven't changed their style up in you. Why would they fix something that doesn't appear broken? You're the one lying to them...so finally tell the truth...but in a fun way!
Cheating is not the way to go. It does far more damage than actually sitting there and telling them the sex is bad.
If you love the person enough to stay, love them enough to make an effort to fix the issue.
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