How can I possibly be cheerful? Look at these papers I have to finish marking by the end of the weekend. And that's only one bagful.
Cheer can't be coming from that. Ugh.
Maybe I'm cheerful because of the odd dream fragment I woke up to. It concerned my parents and a big bag of onions.
This would make me cheerful?
It certainly can't be from this!!AAAAAAAAAAARGH--a Christmas floor mat, sitting bold as you please on my kitchen floor. I'm telling you, Christmas is like a cockroach-- you can't kill it!!
So it's not that.
I could be the weather. The sun is out, dear reader, and New Englanders are crawling out from under their rocks.

I just mean rocks in general, not forgetting that I am from Little Rock, haha.
No, the cheer is clearly coming from my old friend,
A bientot
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