I put his picture nearby so I can reassure myself that there is such a thing as proper English.
I start to go crosseyed with the same errors over and over. I blame email for many of them, including most of the following:
I ate to much.
Was that you're idea?
Don't tell a women what she can do.
They left there coats on the table when they're taxi got their.
Now say hi to Crazy Johnny Milton, the Paradise Lost dude. Lucifer is awesome in his poem, though it's godawful long.
I doubt he would have said:
It took me thirty minuets to get here.
The little puppy looked at me with eyes just begging to be held.
Most people don't have the lechery of sitting around all day and not working.
Billy Wordsworth almost certainly would never have said:
There are many people who think that and the reason why many people think that is because they have their reasons for feeling and thinking the best way they can and as with all the rest of life, there is another side to everything.
Although have you read "Intimations of Immortality"?

Like, To The Lighthouse
A Room So of One's Own
But I know she wouldn't have said things like:
Its a beautiful day when the dog chases it's tail and its fun to see when it's energy goes.
Now I do not want to give the impression that I think I am perfect. I am far from. But may I just say one thing?
My only fear is of looking in the mirror one morning and.......
A bientot
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