Possibly I've never mentioned the Soviet era statuary that I got for a song a while back. It's a fun spot for picnics in the summer too (We like to get way up on that guy's shoulders and throw watermelons at the neighbors)!!!

This is a snow sculpture that a few of the neighbors got together and did in my driveway (bunch of engineers, dontcha know). We like to stay busy.

Just your basic natural beauty here, not much to say. Sure is a pleasure to look at when I leave the house every day. I ski to work and wear lederhosen.

I love a covered bridge and I had this one built right outside our back door. We like to throw canteloupes from it. They're a little more challenging than watermelons, but you get that greater dexterity because they're smaller. It's a little more difficult to hit pedestrians with them on the first try.

This Aisle of Lanterns is really spectacular at night. I usually have valet parking right behind this area so guests don't have to walk so far after a soiree. Some of them get a little intoxicated, but don't say I said that.

If you held out to the end, dear reader, you were smart. This is the view from the service entrance of my house. The help hasn't shown up for a few days, actually. You can see the rather paltry snow amount we got yesterday (although it was enough for me to get a most welcome DAY OFF).
Hope you're staying warm and cozy, dear reader.
Although cozy is better than warm.
And notwithstanding the fact that cozy requires warm.
At least in most cases.
A bientot
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