Some songs are good but totally unintelligible. Some singers are wonderfully talented, but their words indecipherable. At least to me. I asked Maeve about this and she doesn't understand them either. She so loves the big screen TV, though, that it won't be long before she understands all that and I still don't. I hope she doesn't wear one of those weird sci fi things in her ear.

I adore Rufus Wainwright,but I have to stand there and go "What?" over and over.
"I'm looking for
The ta of Lun bin
I'm looking for
The copious faw":
A friend of mine used to think the Beach Boys hit "Good Vibrations" was actually "Goodbye Braces."
"Good, good, gooooood bye braces!!!!" Not a bad title.
"Day Tripper" by the Beatles became "State Trooper."
"He was a staaa-aaa-te trooper! State Trooper, yeah!!"
"Round John Virgin" from Silent Night is a well known fat guy who doesn't get any action, geesh, even at the holidays.
Also misinterpretable were various religous statements from my youth, mostly in Latin.
"Debitoribus nostris" was in my ears "Baby thought it was nasty."
I really hated the Kiss of Peace, which became the "leap and greet" handshaking event in the middle of Mass. "Peace be with you, sir, and is that your Corolla out there with the slight dent in the fender? Because you cut off me off most mercilessly at the corner of University, you bastard!"
Maybe the Kiss of Peace would work at car accidents. If it were a law, a real enforceable law, that everyone who stepped out of their cars at the scene of an accident had to first shake the other person's hand and say "Peace be with you" before giving insurance information, we might have less road rage. I don't know, though. If it involves men, I don't think it will work.
Let's all Be Here Now, even though life seems drab and meaningless and the weather is terrible and we wish we had more money and people were nicer.
A bientot
p.s. Can somebody tell me how to get rid of these horrible spammers on the comment section? A while ago, I thought I had it solved and it was deleting ALL comments. HELP!
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