If we are what we eat, and that makes me one big grape, then aren't we also, at least partially, what we listen to? And if each person went through her music list, either from an ipod or on the computer, she would have to admit to certain qualities, would she not? Maybe those qualities would show that the person is well balanced and highly erudite and scholarly.
Possibly she should be president.
Or maybe the selections would indicate deep disturbances and problems, and possibly she should be locked up.
Possibly some presidents have shown both qualities.
And so I am going to grit my teeth and divulge the contents of my download list, none illegal of course, in alphabetical order. Some I have a hard time admitting to, but they are on there and I will share them with you. Because there are only 19 (I'm deleting one right now and I'm not saying what), they --in their entirety--must indicate something. For today I will include the first five.

Billy Joel's "And So It Goes" counts as one stupendous tearjerker. It's soft, only piano behind the voice, and poignant with emotion. Okay then. BECKY THE BLUBBERING IDIOT.

Broadway's Miss Saigon, specifically the tune about the slow saxophone, can't think of the name of it. But a hot HOT love song. I can and have played this one over and over again. BECKY LOVES BROADWAY AND ALWAYS WILL.

James Taylor's "Mexico" is next on the playlist and has always been one of my favorites. It's probably considered somewhat of a white bread sanitized version of real Mexican music, but the beat gets me swaying. Pets run. SHE TRIES TO DANCE.

Jeff Buckley is entirely HOT. He is also entirely dead, I'm afraid, and has been for a number of years. His song "Hallelujah" is one of my very favorites. It's a love song but not a joyous one as its title suggests. It's very very sad and has anger in it too.

Michael Ball is more what you would call a "sensitive guy" and his rendition of "Love Changes Everything" is treacly ickily sweet. It's from Aspects of Love, another Broadway show, based on a book by David Garnett, one of the Bloomsbury group (I LOVE them!!!!) I used to love this song and now I don't really. I may get rid of this one, but for now it hangs in there. It's true, love does change everything, and maybe that's why I let it stay.
To Be Continued.....
Violet and Dahlia are visiting me. Please don't tell them that the garbage is under the sink, okay?
A bientot
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