I feel so bad for Johnny P. We still love ya, boy! Next year! And then the Pats lost in overtime. Why can they never beat Denver? It PISSES ME OFF. I'd like to see John Elway eat a Weight Watchers turkey and hamster dinner.
Some days are just bad.
Breakfast: The Usual 290
Lunch: one jumbo hot dog 170
ketchup 40
one string cheese 80
grapes 80
May I say that I was very hungry about twenty minutes after lunch.....I think I am moving into an intense hunger period. I've said this before, but if I were not publicly committed to this blog, I would be wavering right now. I'd be deep inside a pint of Ben&Jerry's.
Dinner: WW Swedish Meatballs -- YUCK, WORST EVER with a sickening smell. I even wondered if it was spoiled. It didn't stop me from eating it, though.
can of green beans 60
Dollop of Thousand Island 60
slice of toast 100
fudgcicle 60
BreathSavers 60
TOTAL: 1000
EXERCISE: walk one mile to friend's house, watch Red Sox, walk home despondently
HUNGER: 10 Hunger was pretty bad today. I felt like Oliver Twist begging for more gruel.
MAIN BITCH: Sports teams could at least do their part to make me happy.
LITTLE VOICE: It isn't working.
Ravishing Radish
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