Do you suppose anybody has this on their bulletin board as inspiration? Not me. Here is closer to mine:
Good grief. Marilyn would be sent to a fat farm these days.
Breakfast: The Usual 190
Lunch: one jumbo hot dog, nuked up, very tasty 170
one chunk mozzarella cheese 200
grapes 80
1 fudgcicle 60
Dinner: WW carburetor fillet with spark plug medley 280
dollop of parmesan 50 (dregs from bottom of container, not much there)
can green beans 60
Enormous Assemblage of canteloupe, honeydew, dollop of Paul Newman's elixir of sexual potency, or I guess it could have been raspberry vinaigrette 280
BreathSavers 60
TOTAL: 1170
EXERCISE: hard horse farm walk, but with bad attitude
OPTIMISM: 6 (illegally weighed myself and gained half a pound)
HUNGER: 9 (if I weren't committed publicly to this, I'd have been into the chardonnay)
MAIN BITCH: fantasy of Ben&Jerry surpassing fantasy of Johnny Depp
LITTLE VOICE: It works for everyone else except you.
Have to get going so I can mail a sandwich to Keira.
Slender on a Bender
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