YES!! We get to another one of my FAVORITE topics..."situationships"
For those of you who dont know what a "situationship" is, i will give you
MY definition for one...not anyone elses'
Situationship- a relationship between two people that involves hanging out, affection, sex and feelings for one another WITHOUT a title involved. An agreement between two people to enjoy each other's company and time without being committed to one another. A situationship does not have to involve all of the aspects mentioned above...but it most definitely CANNOT involve a title of any sort.
Ahhhh, we finally get to talk about a subject that almost EVERYONE has a different opinion on!! And one thing i love is a good debate between the sexes...
So many times in my life have i had to put up with a guy saying he "doesnt want a title"...mind you i hardly ever ask for one lol but i guess they just thought they should let me know. So, as a female i have experienced a plethora of different "situationships" all that depended on the person i was dealing with. Some didn't involve sex, some didnt involve emotions and others involved everything a relationship would...without it actually being called a relationship.
It can go both ways in the "situationship"...it can very well be the man pressing the woman (or whatever your preference) being together and putting a title on something. Whichever way it does go though...it still occurs very much. I've heard more and more of my friends saying they have a "boo" or a "FWB (friend with benefits) than i have heard them say they actually were in a committed relationship with someone.
Now i know everyone isnt going to just jump into something head first without getting to know someone. To me, that isnt where the "situationship" starts...that is a courtship. The "situationship" starts when you notice that you've been "dealing with" the same person for 1 yr+ and yall still havent even discussed being together.
Some people are cool with that...at times i'm cool with it too...but what happens when one catches feelings and one doesnt? Where does the "situationship" go from there? And should these stipulations be discussed when you first enter into something...or after the person starts catching feelings??
Granted, i used to be the poster child for "situationships" because i have the mentality of a dude...or had. I liked to keep everyone as a "close friend" so that no one would think they had me as a girlfriend or anything of that sort. I still am an avid supporter of the "situationship", i just think its gotten a bit too...how can i put this?...wide spread for me lol
My only real questions are (although you can answer any i have had during my brainstorm) is...what is YOUR definition of a "situationship" and how does it differ from an actual relationship to you? Have you ever been in one? And would you prefer a "situationship" over a relationship...and why?
Last but not least...what would make you want to move from a "situationship" into a relationship? And vice versa?
_Ms Simpson_
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