Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Open Wide

vulgar title...i know, but if i'm going to talk about "head", then i'm going to have to be a bit vulgar. i was sitting listening to a conversation on the train the other day between two girls. one of them happened to say out here mouth...LOUDLY...that she had, for the first time, given her man head. that's not what bothered me because i have NO clue how long she was with dude. the thing that got under my skin, was that the friend was downright disgusted with the idea of "head" altogether.

i'm not gonna lie, i used to think giving head was the most foul thing on this earth and would break up with a dude before i even gave it a single thought. needless to say i was young then (not that i am old now) so i'll say, i was youngER.

Now a days i am actually shocked that there are females OR MALES that do not support the cause of oral pleasure. in 2009 there are still people appauled by giving head. come on people...we have a black president now...its time for CHANGE.

Some people may be disgusted by my POV but guess what...those are probably the same chicks that wonder why their man is tip toeing off in the middle of the night to "The Bitch That Will" (shamless plug for Real Talk, Real Women...Straight Understanding"...great blog btw). But yeah ladies, we gotta get with it!!! The overall idea of it may seem disgusting or revolting but i have never had a problem wanting to satisfy why i was with...and i havent had too many boyfriends who didn't like getting head. hell, i havent had any who didn't.

NO i am NOT saying to just go insert any erect oenis into your mouths ladies but at least hold your damn man or "situationship" down!!!

Now to my gentlemen...cause please believe you were not going to get by without being mentioned. how the hell are there guys who dont give head still??? i mean, you not even gonna try? there are dudes in this world that have perfected the art of giving head...and you havent even been in the region? so so crazy to me.

Questions: if you do give head, did you feel negatively about it before and changed your mind? or have you always been ok with it? If you dont, what are the reasons? Do you know any guys/ladies who still dont give head?

feel free to be anonymous...i know some are shy about this or dont want their business out there...i just really want some opinions on this.

*Ms Simpson*

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