Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Glasses

I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, and I'm one who does most of the time except when I'm being a Complete or Partial Bitch, but can you see this gal from 1936? Couldn't they have picked Wallis Simpson or somebody a bit more chic?

Maybe Wallis didn't wear glasses, especially after becoming Duchess of Lah Dee Dah Windsor. God, imagine being her maid. Imagine the living hell that would be your life.



I'm not going to get off track here. I am shopping for eyeglasses and it's most confusing.

These are DKNY frames and very chic. It's the rectangular shape that makes them so. I'm not stupid. I can recognize this since 9 out of 10 frames look exactly like these.

These are Polo frames and also chic. I walked around with a tiger stripe version of these on at Lenscrafter yesterday. The problem is my vision is so bad that in order to see what the frames actually look like, I either have to wear them over my real glasses or wear the real glasses over them. It's what you call lose/lose. Or blind leading the blind. I cain't see it, mummy.
Sophia LorenThey say your chest actually starts enlarging if you wear Sophia Loren frames but mine didn't. They should try giving away a free Wonderbra with every purchase. Hey, I know my coupons, remember?

But I like those little rectangular doobers. I think I will be hard-headed and hard-nosed in those. And possibly write a better book.

Some of them are rather small, though, and I asked the consultant if I looked like I was wearing swim goggles.

She said no.

Tanning goggles?

She still said no and this time looked a little wary. Do you suppose they get weird-o's in there?

So now I'm thinking it over. I will probably use the same strategy I do with restaurant menus--make a split-second decision when I have to.

Stay tuned, dear reader.
Go Pats. Go Tommy Boy (don't forget my table hockey challenge)!

A bientot

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