This all started on Wednesday when I went to the movies and saw ATONEMENT. It happens to fall into the very narrow niche of celluloid entertainment that I will agree to watch. I will not view anything called Diehard or Terminator or Alien or Batman. I don't like cartoons or anything animated. I don't like children's movies. I am the only American who has never seen ET and never will. I don't like horror movies or slashers or anything violent.
I do like beautiful English manor houses with gorgeous wallpaper. And ATONEMENT has all of that.
It also has Keira Knightley in a to-die for green silk dress, which she wears while getting pinned to the library wall in a VERY GOOD WAY. I read that the director had problems with the budget on this film, even though he obviously saved a bundle on Keira's meal vouchers. Yikes, girl. Try the tuna melt.
So I'm watching and enjoying the, um, pinning scene and the guy, the young man, oh geez do I have to look up his name--says "I love you." A rather elderly lady in the row in front of me said in a loud voice, "Well, I should hope so." It was one of those Great Audience Moments.
Uh well, the movie? It was pretty good. Not bad. I am not a Vanessa Redgrave fan. She ADORES looking old. She is INTO it. LOOK AT THE LINES ON MY FACE!!! HERE THEY ARE!!! AND I HAVE MOUSTACHE HAIRS!!! LOOK AT THOSE CLOSELY WHILE I ACT AND HAVE INTEGRITY AND HONESTY!!! I don't know. It doesn't work for me.
So then on Friday I saw Juno, this flick about a 16-year-old girl who gets knocked up by her boyfriend and decides to have the baby. Sounds like it's been done before,
Last, I saw ONCE. It's Irish and very hard to understand. Most of the time I was going "Huh?" and "What did he say?" It too has a predictable plot. Aspiring singer makes a demo tape and falls in love with piano-playing Czechoslovakian girl Terrific tunes and I may have to buy the
soundtrack. I love the way the Europeans all wear scarves. Sometimes they skip the coat or jacket but they always have a great scarf wound around the neck. My mother used to put Vicks on a cloth and put it around my neck and I always think of that when I look at the Europeans. Call it chic or call it Vicks.
I want to meet one of those cute Irish guys with a scarf. I sing alto.
I think all three of these are Oscar contenders. If I had to vote for one?
Well, hmmmmm.
Juno, I think. For it's life-affirming message and strong family theme. The dad is great.
And an unexpected expectant girl.
In the end, I guess wallpaper only takes us so far, though I hate admitting it.
A bientot

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