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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Dear 2008 (written by Miss Sophisticated)
I know you gonna miss me. We been through some rough times but yet I'm glad I made it out alive. And as the saying goes, all things must come to an end. So this is my farewell letter to you. But just like my co-writer said, first & foremost I have to give praises to my Father up above. If it wasn't for Him, I wouldn't have been able to experience this journey with you 08.
I don't understand why I went through some of the shit I've been through with you 08 & to be honest, I have a major problem with it. We got beef 08, major beef. But let me break it down to you, just in case u forgot some things & missed a few details... So pay attention.
I brought in my 2008 with my sister from another mother, Ms. Simpson & boy was it an interesting night. Now I'm glad I bought it in with someone I consider to be family BUT deep down inside, I really had other plans in mind. I was SUPPOSED to bring you in with the person I was dating at the time but it seems as though work was much more important than me in his eyes. And I personally believe that is why my year has been down the drain.
From school bullshit to relationship problems, I seem to be more stressed out in 08 than ever b4. Why did you have to be this way towards me 08? I really didnt deserve this... Now it has me skeptical about my 09 and I hate for you to be the cause for me to have these feelings towards my future.
Only good thing I can say that came out of this year is meeting the love of my life. Gosh, I don't know what I'd do without him. But yet, there's some things that I've done in our relationship that has me at the point of thinkin "why is this happening to me?" "what have I done to deserve this?" These are questions I have to ask you mr. 2008 cuz I swear I've never experienced shit like this. I'm not gonna go into specific details because you know what pain you've caused me from the time he's came into my life. I just need to get ahold of this. Wish you can help me understand this cause I'm leaving you 08 & going into another year confused as hell. But I must say, after all the shit we've been through, I have not once regret getting that sweet message on my myspace and then falling in love with him... Not now, not EVER.
Another thing (which seems to be a continuous thing every year), is me trying to finish my education. And I have to say to you 08 that you took this financial aid stuff to a whole different level. Like I don't understand how extra funds that I had no knowledge of come out of NOWHERE... But I cant come down on you too much 08 because this has been an continuous thing since I've started school...
Its a lot more that has gone down in 08 that I can say has made me a better person. Gotta learn from mistakes & keep moving forward. So I do wanna thank you 08 for showing me that I can make it out of any situation. So although you put me through hell 08, I'm not gonna end this letter on a bad note. I'm taking on new strengths into the new year. Leaving all the nonsense & drama behind with you 08 and bringing in new beginnings for 2009.
So Listen here 2008 baby, I just believe it's the right thing to do
I got a brand new bitch, the year 2009, She showing me a lot of action right now
And I know you put me on my feet and all,
but I mean, it's time for me to grow
You gotta let me go baby, you gotta let me go
I'm done for now,
so one for now
Possibly forever,
we had fun together
But like all good things, we must come to an end
Please show the same love to my friends
Dear 2008
Miss Sophisticated
Monday, December 29, 2008
Year in Review
2008 began and ended with Tommy Boy. In January, he, um, well, what do you call it when you don't win? I don't really want to say it. But that's what he did at the Super Bowl. We were stunned. What's up with that? Instead, we got to watch Eli Manning throw a ridiculous pass for a bizarre catch and an impossible win. We ended the year with T proposing to Giselle in a private jet with four dozen white roses. Here's my question. Isn't it red roses that symbolize love? Aren't white for funerals? I'm just saying.
In the fall, TB blew his knee out and now we're not even in the playoffs.
Okay, let's give all that a big WHATEVER.
More happiness in Boston in the springtime:
Harold Pinter , playwright and 2005 Nobel Prize winner for Literature. He won for being dark, dark, weird, and more dark.
Bobby Fischer, mate to your queen
William F. Buckley Jr., most elegant of all wrongheaded pundits. No one can cross their legs like he did. Trust me on this.
Charlton Heston, welcomed into heaven by seraphim, celestial chariots, and a phalanx of rifle-toting rollerskating angels. ROCK IT, BABY! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!
Yves Saint Laurent, whose monogram adorned every wedding gift given in late 60s-early 70s, including towels sent to me, lovely bride of that era. I thought someone made a mistake and did not get my initials right. Thank god I left that out in my thank you note. Have worried about this late at night.
Cyd Charisse, whom I saw in person at a taping of the Mike Douglas Show in Philadelphia in 1974.
Jesse Helms, who died on July 4 which doesn't really seem right. Glad he didn't see the election.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of the unreadable Gulag Archipelago
Studs Terkel, who looked like a mummy for the last ten years of his life.
Heath Ledger and Brad Renfro, that kid who was in the Grisham movie The Client. Always sad and who will be next year's?
Tim Russert
Paul Newman
George Carlin
Becky Motew for $5000 on left front canine
No Country for Old Men (one of the worst ever, about a guy who travels around with an oxygen tank killing people in black and white and no music)
Most Attractive Person to Visit #10 Downing Street in London and in Paris:

And finally, best snack in America for fourth year in a row:
Friday, December 26, 2008
Dear 2008 (written by Ms Simpson)
Before i even begin this letter (and this may seem selfish because i'm writing to you 08) but i HAVE to thank GOD for waking me up everyday of this year that is about to pass. You were good to me 08, but i wouldn't have seen any of you without the man upstairs.
When i first sat down to write to you, i wasn't sure where to start because this year has had SO many ups and downs, that i thought it may be impossible to even fit it all in one letter. I'm going to do the best i can to let you know what issues and excitements that you brought me in this year, hopefully none of it offends you 08.
Coming out of 07, i actually had NO idea how my year would turn out. I came out of 07 in school, with a job, with loving family and friends, and with a man whom i loved/love dearly. I was always told to end my year the way i wanted it to start for the next one, and this advice wasn't too far fetched. My year ended with me kissing the lips of the man that i love more than anything, Cory Buckley. Surrounding that kiss though, was drama, drama, drama!!! (oh, and more drama). So because i ended 07 with the man i love and surrounded by drama...i believe THAT is the sole reason that my year, yes you 08, turned out the way it did. I stayed right by this man's side...and yes, there was oodles and oodles of drama to fill the year up! No, i'm not blaming him for the drama, although he was some of the cause, i'm just saying that the way you end your year, may truly be how you spend the next one (but thats just a rumor i've heard lol)
Let me see, i have some bones to pick with you 08. I went through some pretty rough times throughout this year. I was kicked out my house, felt like the world was against me at one point and was a participant and innocent bystander to all different types of drama!! How could you let this happen 08? How could you allow my life to go downhill in so many ways?? There were days i felt like i just wouldnt be able to take it anymore, like the world may be a better place without me...you know? I dont blame you 08 but damn...why couldnt you hold me down a little bit stronger than that?? I went through my fair share of heart ache...made some terrible decisions and even had my whole family against me at one point. I just dont understand why things happened this way 08!
On the flip side though, i cant beat you up too much...you did hold me down VERY much this year also! If anyone knew me well before this year, then they can tell you that i have changed and become such a better person. I'm doing things i never used to do. I used to fear change and didn't think it would help me progress, only make me...different. I'm not different though, i am the same person i have ALWAYS been, just a new and improved version. A version that i love!! I've matured, i've become a better thinker, i've made much better decisions and i've become much more focused onmy goals and what is important to me. To say i am proud of myself is an understatement because despite what else has gone on around me, i found ways to not let it effect me in a negative way...and turned most things into positives!! Some people may have already reached this level in their lives 08...but for me, its something new...and definitely not something i will ever take advantage of.
My strength...physical, mental and emotional...has become SO much stronger. I am able to handle situations that i couldn't before. If you are a close friend, then you know i am a bit emoitonal. I have found ways to not be so dependant on emotions and to think things through more than i have in the past. Growth feels good and best believe it made me that much sexier hehehehe.
As far as school 08, yes...i am STILL in school, which pisses me off more than anyone can even imagine but i am confident that God has this in His plans and there is a reason for it. I dont blame anyone else, not even you 08 because my mistakes were made in the past before i even met you. 08, you're actually the reason i got my shit together! i havent gotten anything below a B- since i've met you and i thank you for giving me the inspiration to do that! I plan to continue doing what i need to because the road is almost at its end! I'm waiting IMpatiently to see my family member's faces when i get that diplomat handed to me!!! It will be one of the happiest days of my life...real talk.
As far as work 08...i LOVE my damn job. HELL NO, i dont like serving people...hellll nO!!!but i do love my co-workers and how much fun i have whenever i work. Staff holiday party was...interesting. Thank God everyday for blessing me with a family that knows the importance of "code switching" and not every aspect of their lives was revolved around some hood shit...smdh. Pays to be able to switch your speech in certain environments and situations...a lesson i will teach my kids!
08, i would especially like to thank you for bringing me closer to my family! Granted, i also had some rough times with them but in the end, it all worked out and they still love me and hol dme down like no other! i couldnt have asked for a better family. Congrats on my sis being engaged also...08 made her happy with that one, you sneaky devil you! lmao
Ah, and on to my wonderful, amazing, breath-taking man! Mr. Cory Buckley...what would i do without you baby??? No like, for real! I DONT CARE what we have been through, you have helped me discover a side of myself that i never even knew existed! All the change i talked about, i owe alot of that to you! The relationship we have, opinion doesnt matter, how other people feel doesnt matter...its just you and me against the world!! i LOVE that feeling! Oh my bad, im supposed to be talking to 08. Well 07/08 THANK YOU for bringing this man into my life! I found someone JUST like myself who i can see myself sharing the rest of my life with. 08, i feel like you tapped into a part of me that i felt i had lost when you did this...when you helped me find my soulmate!!! I couldn't thank you enough because if there is ONE thing i will remember and cherish about my year...HE is IT! hehehehe :-*
To sum my year up...it was...hmmm ok. 08, there are times you let me down and times you built me up. There is one thing i can say about you 08 that i respect...
you never, ever, ever left my side. Everytime i turned around...08, you were right there! Every problem i went through, every issue and obstacle i had to overcome, every happy moment i experienced...you never judged me or took any time away from me...
08, you did the best thing that i could have ever even asked for...
you led me to 09!!! ;-)
it was fun while it lasted 08...but as of 12am on January 1st 2009...
i gotta say goodbye.
i hope you understand.
Tanya S. Simpson
Paris Notes
Chocolate souffle with deep overkill chocolate sauce from a silver serving boat at The Souffle on Boulevard St. Honore.
Avocat de Navigator--fresh avocado with brown sauce poured over it--what, I thought? Brown? But it was superb. This at the Navigator on Rue de Gallande.
Little yogurts in tiny glass jars--creamy and delicious
Pastries and unsalted butter--going into a swoon now
Creme fraiche
Something called Iles (islands) de ?????? in a sundae dish at the Galeries Lafayette cafeteria.

Mona Dearest
That guy Pablo and his buddy
St. Denis, patron saint of Paris, beheaded with a sword at the top of Montmartre, but who then reputedly walked for two miles preaching a sermon. You've really got to know your stuff by heart if you're going to try that.

Winged Victory

Venus de Milo
Others have said it before me, but you could walk for days in the Louvre (or as they say on Monty Python, the Louvrah) and never take it all in. A better idea might be to sit for an entire day in one room and try to absorb it. This appeals to me. Get one thing right, you know? I love the portraits gazing down, faces from a time long past that are still with us. Thanks to my recent Rosetta Stone training, I was able to read the descriptions of the paintings and most (well.....) of the newspaper. As far as comprehending what was spoken to me, um

Most streets are identified in this manner and you'd think it would be easier to figure out where you are.
I'm on the corner of Rue Such and So and Rue Whatever. So why doesn't it show on the map? I'm near the Grande National Palais of Grand Grandness. I'm standing in front of it, but which way is that on the map? If I go this way, I could end up going dead opposite of where I want to go.

WTF are we?
Things are so much more understandable in our room at the hotel.

And our hotel was wonderful, the Mayfair on Rue de Rouget Lisle, half a block off the Rue de Rivoli and quite near Place de la Concorde where you can stand and imagine the guillotine slicing down.
Incidentally, I love the bathrooms in Paris. Even in restaurants and department stores, they are very private. the walls go up to the ceiling and down to the floor. Plus they flush with great force, making me think of the sewer scenes in Les Mis. Jean Valjean, are you down there? I did walk past the Victor Hugo house, but was late for something and lost and my feet were aching. I must have walked five miles a day minimum. I did not have comfortable shoes either. My choices were uncomfortable or less uncomfortable and I rotated them as the days went by.
The time change is daunting--six hours for this East Coaster, worse for people coming from the west or midwest. Every day I thought I was waking up in the middle of the night and it was like 10:00. Also I don't care for that military 17:21 hours or whatever. I am the one standing in front of the clock counting off on my fingers. OH OKAY, IT'S HAPPY HOUR. And speaking of that, take my advice. If you do not wish to feel like merde in the morning, do not drink a bottle of wine with dinner. Especially do not have champagne cocktails before the bottle of wine. The Today Show, if you could see it, quickly becomes The Today Show With a Stupefying Hangover.

Sacre Coeur a little cockeyed, no? A little syncopated, yes? More and less than you thought somehow.
And so Paris was that for me: baroque and rococo, filigreed and curlicued, embellished, turreted, and elegant. But at the same time down to earth and deeply evocative of a proud history. It is more beautiful than I could have imagined. I nod my head and tip my (new) hat.
A bientot
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I Am Not a Cat
"I am not a cat."
Perhaps they are saying, "I was not a cat" or "I will not be a cat in the future" or even "I would not be a cat if you paid me."
I myself would cheerfully be a cat since I am already a bit snobby and picky, though warmhearted I think. Pushover might be closer to the truth.
But I digress.
Another thing they say a lot is "la." This I love. It is sprinkled throughout their sentences. Blah blah blah LA LA LA blah zheblah blah zhezhezheblah LA!"
And then they say "I am not a cat" again.
We stopped to ask a woman where the Galeries Lafayette was (were?) and she looked at us and gave us one of those wry Gallic gestures as if to say "you have two heads and not brains enough for one!" and replied "par la!". Of course it was right across the street. Pres de la rue. Dans la rue. Whatever the freaking rue.

My poor photography skills don't begin to show the magnifique!!! gorgeousness of the Galeries L holiday decs. This shows one corner only, but really, all the sides of the building are lit up grandly. Why didn't I turn around earlier when I was facing the broad spectacle of the whole lighted city block? Ah, mesdames et messieurs, I do not know! I am ze lazy bastard!

Here is one of the charming window displays, showing a table set for ducks and teddy bears and other stuffed characters who are getting into all kinds of mechanized high jinks. Each window sets a charming tableau --"look at that one going across on the trapeze!"--and I was so sorry I didn't have Maeve with me.

Here a man approaches the Louvre.
I do not know him but I know he is not a cat and is probably about to say so.

And c'est moi at the Louvre. It was quite warm and mild the whole week and only a short jacket was needed most of the time.
Okay, so the Louvre. I guess "oy" would be an okay descriptor. It's pretty much overwhelming and I am going to stop here for now because, mon cheries, I am WAY behind on my Christmas preparations and must get with it toute de suite. More to come, bien sur.
And so, dear reader, I wish you joy on this day and all days.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
from Paris
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Dear 2008.......JOIN ME BLOG FAMILY!! :-D

Friday, December 19, 2008
Two Steps Forward!! Two Steps BACK???