Primarily it doesn't suck because of great choral music. Am I right? Doesn't Handel's Messiah, particularly "Unto Us a Son Is Given," inspire joy? I like to blast it through the house and conduct some of the triumphant moments myself with a spatula or a peeler. One of the sections near the end--it goes something like "all honor [deep bass drum action] and glory [more drum] and something-or-other [tremendous drum]"--gets me really worked up. My kids laugh at me of course, but that has never bothered me. I think they secretly like it.
The Hallelujah Chorus is good too, but frankly, I've moved past it. I still like the final trumpet solo very much, but I'm more into the final "Amen" afterwards. I love that really high "AH" that the sopranos hit. MAN, does that feel satisfying. I always feel if humans can write music like that, all is not wrong with the world.
I do like seeing the presents under the tree before they are opened. My mother and I used to survey the room with all the children's gifts arrayed on the floor and the couch and wherever they would fit before we would go to bed. My mother would always say the same thing.
"It's a disgrace."
And I guess it was, although the real disgrace was 10am the next morning when the place was littered with ripped gift wrap and boxes.
I like the way people are nice to each other in the liquor store.
I like the way everyone comes home for the holidays. People who haven't been around all year round are right down the street and available for fun.
I like the way the house looks right before our big Christmas Eve party gets underway. I try to buy a new interesting candle every year.
Especially this year I look forward to holding little Maeve, my beautiful genius granddaughter, in my arms. And may I say that she prefers my rendition of "B-I-N-G-O" to any other lullaby. The kid conks totally when I sing it to her and waltz with her around the room. It's a good workout and maybe I will put it on tape and people can follow along with me and lose weight. Order today folks! The Becky Motew BINGO Fitness Tape!
For those of you keeping score at home, incidentally, I hit a new low yesterday. Only five more to go for High School Weight. (Sorry to intrude on the Christmas Doesn't Suck post, but I'm just so happy)
I'm going to Be Here Now for the next three weeks. I'm going to ENJOY preparing the holiday treats, even the tasks I hate, such as crushing chocolate wafers with a potato masher. Man, do I hate that. But I am going to really get the most out of it this year.
Anybody buying this?
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