One dead cheesecake

One dead chocolate mousse pie

AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the relief.
Mummy (Grandma to beautiful little Maeve) got a new digital camera and would have included a self-portrait but didn't want to frighten viewers. Note: blender technique worked perfectly on cookies--on behalf of dumbass cooks everywhere who have done it the same wrong way for decades----YES!!!!! BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dishes Prepared at Great Length and Then Left Forgotten in Fridge:
Guacamole (worked over an hour on it)
Pimento Cheese Spread (not that good anyway)
Unfortunate and Regrettable Incidents From Party:
Wraps Left Behind:
One woman's black wool coat
One woman's blue ski parka
One child's navy blue sweatshirt
Aches, Pains, Ailments:
General malaise and heartache
Sore toes from red shoes
Off to work on my book,
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