Let's be honest. This is the superior candy in the world, is it not? Forget all that Hershey's hype and Heath Bars that suck your fillings and teeth right out of your head. Reese's is God's blessing on man. I would give anything to eat one. BUT I WON'T. My resolve is strong, boys and girls, even though I am at a terrible plateau (3 weeks and still holding).
If I do stay home on Halloween, which I intend not to, I will be sure to buy candy that I don't like. Yucky stuff that isn't chocolate. Skittles--give me a break. Although I do like candy with citric acid in it, the kind that rots the enamel on your teeth. I have a friend who actually likes Chuckles--can you imagine that? Those big jelly bean goobers, yuck again.
There used to be a candy bar named Bun when I was growing up in the midwest and I loved it. I would conceivably forsake Reese's if I could find a Bun again, and of course if I still felt the same way about it.
Disappointing Candy Bars:
Milky Way (BORING, it's the Ford Escort of candy)
Three Musketeers (too marshmallowy, nothing else in it, keep searching for nuts)
Snickers (another candy that could be used for tooth extraction)
Butterfingers/Clark Bar (exactly the same)
Baby Ruth (they're always stale)
Kit Kat (too airy)
Almond Joy (I don't like coconut, it's in your teeth a week later)
Zero Bar (truly gross--do they still have those?)
Maybe I'll buy four huge packages of Necco wafers. I could give them out like communion. Here you go, open wide--oh, I'm just kidding, don't send me hate mail. Anyway, you don't give out Necco wafers singly, you at least have to give a whole package. Or maybe four huge bags of Pez. What ARE Pez anyway? Do they have anything to do with Nez? As in Nez Perce, which I can never remember.
They always have a really cheap assortment of non-chocolate candy that includes tiny lollipops and hard candy. Maybe I'll get that and try to break my teeth instead of pull them out.
I will never be a Godiva girl.
Making progress on my revisions, YES!!! And I just remembered there are still Hershey's kisses somewhere in the house from last Christmas. I wonder if I could find them.
A bientot
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