Okay, I actually don't know what to say about this picture. It looks like Children of the Damned relaxing before work. I picked it because it seemed to have an apple in it. God knows I like themes and consistency and God also knows I don't like going back and re-doing something, so it's going to stay.
I am relishing and enjoying every moment of this Columbus Day. Monday is one of my hardest days in the school week, so I LOVE being home and shuffling around in my Julia Child housecoat. Har har. I'm far too glamorous for the likes of that. Shuffling around in my hiphugger pants that won't stay up. Nine pounds to go for High School Weight. Remember, there will be an immense celebration here on that day, although it probably won't happen for another 8 weeks or so.
I am working on a "pitch" paragraph for V. It's more complicated than you might think. Geesh, I used to be better at this, I think. I can write the book, but I now falter on the description of it and the title. YOU CAN'T STAY FOR CHRISTMAS is my latest favorite since my last few were rejected. We'll see how that one goes over.
Forgot to mention this lately, but at Hanna-Hanna-Hannaford's, they are now ASKING CUSTOMERS HOW THEY ARE. "How are you today?" they ask. I nearly fainted the first time. DO YOU REALLY CARE? But it doesn't matter if they care. They should ask me that, as long as they don't peer into my cart and comment on it as the items are presented. They still don't say "thank you," though. I'm a beaten woman.
I have graded every paper in the building. I am awesome.
Be Here Now, everybody.
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