Howdy Rowdy!
For today's offering, we'd like to leave you some poetry and prose straight from Zi's literary vault.
Z: Hey, I how did you find them? I had them in an innocuous file and under password protection.
A: (wiggles brows) Nor lock or key is safe from me. 'Tis time to share the ponderings of your lair. Besides, you see, my poetry is stinky!
Z: I wouldn't say that.... (Re-reads her words and grimaces.) Then again...
A: Oh hush, let's let everyone enjoy.
A note from Zi to you:
Step upon my wings of imagination…join me…for I am about to sojourn to a place of magic wonderment. This is my place. Where I still feel like a child. Broccoli tastes like jelly beans. Every dog talks. Books smell like peaches. And the Sunshine never burns but enriches.
My thoughts are with you. I hope this finds you well.
Consider a first date, titled, “The Lady Gets Wings”. Every angel should have their wings. We walking hand-in-hand eventually spontaneously skipping to town square. The streets are dustless cobblestone. Never a car allowed upon them. People scurry from shop to shop. Spinning as they greet others. Gentlemen bow and ladies curtsy.
“How do you do!”
“And you!”
Then spin a good bye and off they go to the next greeting to be spun.
Music fills our air yet, neither of us know its origin. Music comes from the energy of being. Happy. Music is because we are. The baker devines fluffy sounds. The florist glows a melody of lilting joy. Music becomes the extension of our souls…and poetry our own private dance of possibilities.
Respectfully yours in muse,
You are my possibility
My friend to be
My muse
My paramour
My future
You are my possibility
And I am profoundly
A Hug
Strength is an amazing thing
Power is an absolute aphrodisiac
Humanity finds it a sign of strength
Hugging is not weakness
Asserting one's strength; good
But asserting one's strength
As well as their heart
Awesome... simply awesome
I am smitten, I fear.
How did that happen?
You are the muse that tweaks my prose,
the romantic who touches my spirit.
It is not possible to be smitten by a reader,
to fall into the abyss of what they desire,
in tales, in narratives, in scenes of love.
To not even know the color of a woman's eyes,
yet long to conquer the nectar of her soul.
To fuel her desire and capture her romantic heart.
I am smitten with you.
Will you be smitten by my words?
Please leave your email addy in your comments to be entered into a drawing for a free e-book, or write to us at
Angelica Hart and Zi
BOOKS can be purchased at
Champagne Books

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