Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Talking with Shay Maclean/Contest

Contest Announcement: Comment to be entered to win the e-book, Shooting Stars from Shay Maclean. Winner to be announced on Saturday April 23rd.

Can you tell us a little about how you started writing; was it something you have always wanted to do? I’ve been writing in one form or another since I was very young. Mostly poetry to start out with then I dabbled in a couple of short stories in high school that I never finished. It wasn’t until years later that I started writing my first romance.

What do you consider to be the key elements of a great story? Strong Characters and a compelling plot.

Could you tell us a little about how you develop your characters? Who has been your favorite character to write? The most challenging? First I get an image of what they look like in my mind and I write down everything I can about them. Once that’s done I put them in the setting and see what happens. So far my favorite character has been Kiana Grant. She’s the heroine of the first book in my Rift Hunter Series that’s as yet unpublished, still needs some tweaking. The most challenging has been Mateo Castillo. He’s one of Kiana’s love interests and actually the one that made me realize I was meant to write erotic romance. So he holds a special place in my heart for helping me find my place.

Have you ever found that you didn’t like your Hero or your Heroine? If so, what did you do to change that? So far that hasn’t happened. I’m sure it will someday though.

If you were to start again, with the knowledge you have now, what would be the first thing you do? Learn more about promoting. I’m struggling with it a little, but I’ll get the hang of it eventually.

Can you tell me a bit about your most recent/upcoming release? My most recent is actually my first. J It’s called “Shooting Stars”. It’s the first to be released in the Tramp Stamp Series from Keith Publications through their Dreams N Fantasies imprint.  It tells the story behind Dr. Wilhemina Brock’s tramp stamp and what it means to her. Each element of it has a special meaning that reflects her, which is what a tattoo should do.

Is there a genre you haven’t done that you would like to explore in the future? Historical romance. I’d like to someday pick up the historical romance that I started writing years ago. They were what originally sparked the desire to write a romance and are still among my favorite reading material.

If you could throw a party with any five people (living or dead) who would you pick and why? Pink, because she’d my favorite singer and I just love the personality she puts into her music. Jimmy Thomas, because I think it would be awesome to meet the guy who’s featured on my very first book cover. Em Petrova and Angela Knight, because they are two of my favorite authors (Em also happens to be my critique partner and one of my best friends). And last but not least, Gerard Butler, because he’s one of my favorite actors and well yeah he does have the whole accent thing going on, too (love accents).

Do you listen to music when writing? Do you feel like some stories write themselves a soundtrack with specific music? If so, what book and what kind of music influenced it? Yes, I do listen to music while I write most of the time. I do believe that a book can write itself a soundtrack. For the most part at the moment, I’ve been listening to the same playlists for all of my works in progress with a few tweaks here and there. I’ve got a pretty good range of music on those lists. Some rock, heavy metal, alternative and even a couple of rap songs (thanks to my teenage daughter). Almost all of them have a driving beat or at least a set of lyrics or melodies that speaks to me for one aspect of the book.

What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels, do you find them difficult to write? For me it normally depends on if I’ve been having a good day. I write in the middle of the night, because it’s the quietest time with a household of six including me.  If the day has been good, then the words will normally flow easily. If it’s been bad, then I struggle with them.

What are some of your favorite things or hobbies to do? Reading, going to the movies and spending time with my family.

What do you have coming up next for you? Care to share any details with us? Right now I’m working on the sequel to “Shooting Stars”. It’s called “Falling Star”. It picks up a few months after “Shooting Stars” ended and will be the rest of the story for Willa, Schy and Kee. I can’t tell you any more than that or I’ll give too much away.

Who are some of your favorite authors, and if we were to visit your home, what books would we find on your bookshelf, end table, floor or e-reader? Oh, that’s a tough one to answer. There are so many.  Angela Knight, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Alyssa Day, Janet Chapman, Brindle Chase, Em Petrova. There are too many to name though the list would be a mile long. LOL.

If you could be any character of any book or movie, who would you be? Hmm. Another tough question.  I think I’d have to choose Elizabeth Swan in Pirates of the Carribean.

Where can readers find you on the web? They can find me at http://www.shaymaclean.com and on Facebook.  Thank you very much for having me, Dawn.

Sneak Peek into Shooting Stars

Dr. Wilhemina Brock prides herself on her ability to keep her private life with her husband Schyler just that – private. But when Keenan, the new nurse on staff, catches a glimpse of her tramp stamp, she’s coerced into spilling the story behind it, revealing how she broke the student-professor boundaries and hooked her husband.


Dr. Wilhemina Brock glanced in the mirror on the door of her locker. She frowned at the tight braid she'd twisted it into that morning. She reached up and released the clip holding it in place then shook out her long raven tresses. Soft wispy locks curled around her shoulders, sending shivers of pleasure dancing on her skin. Much better. Smiling to herself she grabbed her black t-shirt and started to pull it over her head.
            A whistle sounded from the door. “Damn, that’s sexy.” A very masculine voice said.
            Willa spun around, tugging the hem of her shirt into place. Keenan Fergason. The newest addition to the nursing staff. His muscular build, rugged features, reddish brown hair and sparkling green eyes had everyone lusting after him. She could feel the blush that stained her cheeks at his continued appraisal of her. “I don’t know what you're talking about, Keenan. I’ve gotta run. I’m meeting Schy for dinner in half an hour.” She reached up to stuff her lab coat into her locker and felt the bottom of her shirt raise above her low cut jeans.
            “I’m not letting you leave here until you give me the dirt on that sexy tramp stamp you’re sporting there, Dr. Willa,” Kee said.
            She glanced over in time to see him wiggle his eyebrows as he said the words tramp stamp. Shit. Just what she needed.  News of her guilty pleasure traveling all over the hospital as she was finishing up her residency.


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Author Info

Shay has been writing most of her life. As a teenager, she focused mainly on poetry, but still dabbled in writing short stories. She didn't find her niche though until she started listening to the characters in her head whispering about the dark and sensual worlds to be explored in erotic romance. Now when she's not engrossed in a great read, she listens intently when her muse murmurs seductively in her ear. She also enjoys photography and graphic design. And although she isn’t an artist by any means she designed the tattoo featured in Shooting Stars. When she’s not writing she enjoys reading and spending time with her family. 
You can contact her at shaymaclean@yahoo.com or on her Facebook Page.

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