Amazing french punk!!
Parabellum is a French alternative rock/punk rock band. The group formed in 1983 and decided to split up on June 16, 1991 after their Canadian tour. In 1998 they reformed and released two more albums. In 2005, the band did another national tour, climaxing in a gig in Montreal at the end of July. Their cover of the song "Cayenne", a huge revolutionary song at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as their version of "Amsterdam", with the lyrics changed to come out as an anti-drugs song are two of their most popular pieces. The name of the band comes from the Latin proverb: "si vis pacem para bellum" (He who wants peace prepares for war)
1.iilot amsterdam
3.anarchie en chiraquie
4.kozac surboum
5.doc bollocks
6.vol de nuit
7.berceau neo caveau
8.zig zag rock
9.joyeux noel
10.fuka saddam
11.l'amour a 45 km-h
13.osmose 99
14.pere noel
15.la bombe et moi
16.svp 0838
17.momo (la petite balle du samedi soir)
18.le bal des canailles
19.les poubelles du coeur
21.c line blues
22.la roue de la fortune
23.les hommes torpilles
24.casbah rodeo
26.le dernier trocson
..year: 1995
..format & quality: mp3/@256kbps
..buy: n/a
..home-page: n/a
password: hha
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