Time since last match: 15 years, we think.
Some brain cells? Diminished.
Others: sharp as ever.

Items forgotten in the fridge by Becky and never served:
homemade mango salsa

We play men against women. It's vicious.
Wanna know how vicious?
Years ago, the question asked the identity of a famous New York Giants quarterback. We couldn't remember if it was Y. A. Tittle or Tuttle.
Okay? Get it?
Does that set the tone?

Hardy har. They love thinking about that. Just look at them. God, we showed 'em, didn't we?
Sometimes the subject veers off a bit.
Last night the women were asked a series of questions about Supreme Court Justices.

Yeesh. What are we, freakin' lawyers? We got off to a slow start. Shown here a very bad photo of our icon--some old defeated hippie skank playing a guitar. You can't get the wedges into these new icons so we also used an old one and hauled it around next to the new one. It was like having a whole bunch of bratty missionary kids trailing after you. Trust me, you had to be there.

Things finally picked up for us.

There was some inter-gender fraternizing at times.
One question was: "What does DSL mean?" The girls tried to suggest that it was the monogram of Yves St. Laurent's (YSL) little known younger and more tech-savvy brother, Doug (sometimes called Dan'l by law enforcement--he brought the Internet to outlying areas).
Well, shit.
They didn't buy that either.
One of our questions was about which Supreme Court justice performed Rush Limbaugh's goddamn marriage ceremony. I encouraged my team to answer Sandra Day O'Connor and so we got it wrong (Clarence Thomas).
I ate too much and couldn't get to sleep till after 4am.
It was wicked fun.
Tomorrow I am off to the midwest.
Never have I Lived the Dream so fully, dear reader.
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