By: Angelica Hart and Zi
Ang was busy pecking at the keyboard: (With her fingers, this is not a she has a beak for a nose thing)
In life serious murmurs under the surface of the every day, it peeks its head up through news and an assortment of people. Any moment serious can pounce on you, take the chuckle right out of your mouth and stuff in a gag of ut oh. Therefore, for the most part, not always, mind you, but mostly, we like avoiding serious, play a bit of peek-a-boo with it. Tell it to be like a frog and leap away. Doesn’t always work, but if it is a possibility, we go for it. Life’s too important not to laugh… a lot.
Z: You sound serious. (Zi tilts his Stetson to show off the iridescent feather)
A: Do not! (She acted like a nine-year-old first reacting to deny almost thinking that made her right)
Z: Read what you wrote. (He tightens his bolo tie... waggles his head in the reflection of his framed Keith Primeau portrait) Does this work? (Knowing she'll see the macho in the man)
A: Noooo!
Z: Who asked you! (Feelings trampled) I forgot to wear my brass jockstrap. That was a low blow.
A: Boo hoo.
Z: Me, that's who... Stop! (He looks sad though feigning it)
A: Killjoy lives. (She felt IT and she was the Stephen King of come backs)
Z: I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say, bounces off of me and sticks to you.
A: Oh… in that case. (She rose... put her thumbs in her ears making quadruped antlers and stuck out her tongue adding the accompanying raspberry)
Z: Paging... paging... the adult Angelica Hart... come to the office... stat! We've work to do.
A: Oh that was so funny, I forgot to laugh. (She shakes ample hip... He bites lip avoiding going there) Humor has its place.
Z: Said the pot to the kettle.
A: I'll prove my point, the opening chapter of KILLER DOLLS is so vicious, each time I read it I get chills. You got it, and I adored your twist toward humor to balance the evil the book initially bespoke.
Z: Thank you. (He plants thumbs in armpits with pride)
A: In the face of that evil, it was great that many of the secondary characters were flat out comically perverted. (She gives that cat ate the... I-ain't-going-there grin)
Z: Humor is sexy? (He removes thumbs, smells them, face winces)
A: Let's see... You tell me... Why don’t aliens eat clowns? (She hands him a bow tie)
Z: You’re going where with this? (He removes the bolo and replaces it with the geek look... nerd meets Marlboro man he thinks... canting his head with a haughty gleam)
A: Just say, why?
Z: “Why?”
A: Cause they taste funny. Now, was that sexy!
Z: (Sighs) No. (He strips the tie from his neck, and begins looking for an ascot. Mutters, just loud enough that Angelica may hear, everybody likes a little arse nobody likes a wise arse... Feels guilty, thinking of the aforementioned ample hip reference)
A: (Not hearing and if she had, arm flipper-smacking would be noted here) Carrin who worked for Letti was a hormonal college student whose laissez-faire approach to life allowed her to push the dating boundaries. And we had a ball with that.
Z: Humor is sexy!
A: Let me try again. (She has that smoke coming off the head look) Prehistoric monsters sleeping are?
Z: Dreaming?
A: Are dinosnoreaurs. Sexy? (She slapped him with the question)
Z: No. (Nose floats a little as he is unmoved by her point)
A: When in school what was the fruitiest course you took? (Armed and ready, she targets him again and volleys a mortar of inane humor)
Z: Home Ec.
A: Say what? You took Home Ec? (She cackles, spittle escaping control of her lips, it landing on the top of the yellow lab's head... He didn't move... the corgi needing to manage cleaned it off... and yes, with its tongue... ick!)
Z: Don't go there. (Wags a finger)
A: Fine. (Condescendingly) The fruitiest course was, History. It was full of dates. Sexy?
Z: No! (Considers) Sexy is as sexy does. I do sexy. You doesn't. (He admires his neck adornment)
A: (Ignores his point) What's with the neckwear?
Z: I am going to record one of our scenes from KILLER DOLLS to be put on our website http://anagelichartandzi.com (that was shameless of us) and I want to channel that feeling of being a thesbian.
A: What? (Scrunches up her face to resemble a pug)
Z: Thesbian.
A: Are you miss pronouncing that? And men can't...
Z: Don't go there!
A: The word is Thespian!
Z: Oh... thanks! By-the-by why do Earth cats hate flying saucers.
A: Why?
Z: Can't reach the milk.
A: Ouch! Wear the bandana! Let's record!
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who emails us at angelicahartandzi@yahoo.com and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.
Angelica Hart and Zi
Killer Dolls
Snake Dance
Chasing Gravitas ~ July 2010
Champagne Books

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