By: Angelica Hart and Zi
A: (Yells) Listen to this quote by Pasternak.
Z: You mean Jake's teacher on Two and a Half Men? (In his best Charlie Harper voice) Yes, Miss Pasternak.
A: Nooooo. The author from the turn of the century. Gaaaaaa! Pasternak wrote, "Fear has the largest eyes of all."
Z: Larger than Godzilla's? (Lost afloat his own petard) What's the difference between a sewing machine and a female jogger? (He has that little boy perpetual grinning face)
A: I'm researching fear and you are researching cornball humor? (Hurls a crumpled paper ball at him)
Z: Come on, what's the difference. (Smiles the herd-of-cows-stampeding smile) Give? Give? Give?
A sewing machine has only one, I said it, one bobbin. Get it?
A: Wha.... ohhhh... (Shudders) We are working here. I know we both agree that the basest of all things is fear. We use it all the time.
Z: I feared being a young man and an old man.
A: (Gives him a cocked head look)
Z: As a young man I feared mom doing the laundry and wet dreams and as an old man I fear dry farts in a warm crowded room. (Does a taa-da soft-shoe finale bow)
A: (Ignoring him she continues with her point) I just love the mist and fog and shadow of CHASING GRAVITAS.
Z: Yeah, yeah, yeah... What's the difference between male and female pancakes? (Zi pauses momentarily as his spectacles slide down to the tip of his nose as he watches for Angelica's reaction over the rim of them) Ah, you won't get it. Female pancakes are stacked.
A: Ha... Ha... Ha... (Drolly) I want to talk about the tone of CHASING GRAVITAS.
Z: Talk. (As he's reading a book whose cover is hidden from her view)
A: Listen to this poem. (Clears her throat and begins to read) "The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on." Carl Sandburg wrote that.
Z: Did Carl know the difference between male and female chromosomes?
A: Whaaaat? (Draws out the word)
Z: If he didn't, tell him to pull down their genes. Arr... Arr... Arr!
A: That deserves only one Ha. The beauty in Carl's poetry defines the haunt I feel in CHASING GRAVITAS and I'm considering using it on the dedication page.
Z: Are you Yahoo Serious from Serious Town, Seriavania?
A: (She provides that universal sound of confusion) Huh?
Z: The difference between boiling water and pea soup is anyone can boil water. Get it! Get it! Get it! And having said that do what you want on the dedication page because you're going to do it anyhow.
A: Zi, I fear, you are being a flibberty jib. (Joe and the Volcano reference intended) I want to talk about fear. In many of our books we have placed our romance in a swamp of fears.
Z: I bet you fear that you don't know the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman.
A: Come on!!
Z: Snowballs.
A: Enough! In KILLER DOLLS the fear was omnipresent in the form of bio-terrorism. In SNAKE DANCE the fear was the tyrannical sociopathic Kin, but in CHASING GRAVITAS the fear is what?
Z: What's the difference between fish and your meat?
A: Could you stop, pleaassse? I'm serious about the fear found in CHASING GRAVITAS. Without conflict would the story be too shallow?
Z: There's fear in GRAVITAS, that same fear the fish that you beat to death would have.
A: Huh?
Z: If you beat your fish, it dies. (Implies the meat comparison which is left unsaid)
A: You're just awful. Stop! Stop! Stop! I'm tired of jokes about knuckle children. (Having worked with him so long she got his obscure humor... wonders if anyone else does... write us if you did at
Z: Come on, come on, come on, it's simple. In GRAVITAS, Elizabeth fears one of the more universal fears of all time that she'll never know love. She doesn't have it. She wants it. She's chasing it. And it is as elusive as Alice chasing the white rabbit.
A: You're right. You're right. No time to wait. (She sniggers at her own obscure reference) What's the difference between war and peace?
Z: What's the difference between a five and a ten?
A: Me first, answer.
Z: You got me. Don't know.
A: There has never been a good war. Tell me the difference between a five and a ten.
Z: The answer's in our blog SOTS AND PLOTS and can be requested by writing to us at
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who emails us at and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.
Angelica Hart and Zi
Champagne Books

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