The band was originally known as Antidote under which they released the album Mr. Glenbowski, which won the group the award of Best Unsigned Band of 1998 by Musician Magazine. The band subsequently moved to Connecticut and released If I Knew Now What I Knew Then under their present moniker.
Hot Rod Circuit's first record, "If I Knew Now What I Knew Then" hit stores on September 21, 1999. The Band was composed of Andy Jackson on Vocals and Rhythm Guitar, Casey Prestwood on Lead Guitar, Greg Mitchell on Bass and Vocals, and Wes Cross on drums. The disc featured songs such as "Weak Warm", "Remover", and "Irish Car Bomb", which still to this day remain fan favorites. The band had done several shows that year in the New England area, along with tours that had the band "Jazz June". The band's drummer, Wes Cross left the band by before their next release.
tRaCk lIsTiNg
..weak warm
..irish car bomb
..medicated lungs
..achy breaky hockey hair
..goog intentions
..chinese cuts
** Home-page - www.myspace.com/hotrodcircuit
** Buy - Interpunk.com
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