.voice of uk (waiting for bardot)
.nature wonder (omega tribe)
.random relations (suspects)
.think about it (your funeral)
.freedom (deformed)
.receiver deceiver (kronstadt uprising)
.let's get it right (no label)
.same olf songs (the rejected)
.garageland (boffo)
.fuck the system (Xs)
.manipulated youth (polemic attack)
.agardener's song (agardener)
.tradition of slaughter (toxic)
.break up (1984)
.insert (anon)
.police brutality (toxic ephek)
.low (sic)
.ain't got a clue (molitov cocktail)
.mid 1930's Pre-War Germany (naked)
.we've realized the truth (capitol punishment)
.all the wars (anthrax)
.slaughter of the innocents (endangered species)
.war games (pseudo sadists)
.psycho analysis (total chaos)
.war without winners (dougie)
.the survivor (st. vitus dancers)
.christus erection (stegz)
.brutalised (metro youth)
.black market shadow (normality complex)
.the power and the glory (youth in asia)
.security system (riot squad)
.agent orange (destructors)
.uk in dreamland (the pits)
.riot style (the bored)
.three years later (chumbawamba)
.start again (passion killers)
.get off your ass (amerikan arsenal)
** year - 1.982
** Label - Crass Records
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