No, he's no relation of mine.
He's not American Idol.
He wasn't in the Olympics.
He's not from Alaska.
He's Matt Cassel, taking over at quarterback for the New England Patriots. Taking over for that Other Guy, what was his name, the one with the glamorous girlfriend?
Oh, I forget. Anyway, Matt is doing a splendid job [we do hate to use that word "super"] and is already two and oh. He and his wife are Southern Cal alumni, where Matt played for Pete Carroll ("we're pumped! we're jacked!") and she was captain of the volleyball team. She looks nice here, of course, but I wouldn't want to face her across the net.
AWWWWWWWWW. They are so cute. Let me not mince words, though. NEITHER ONE OF THEM COULD BEAT ME AT TABLE HOCKEY. I am the best that ever was. Occasionally, I let someone beat me in one game--think of a cat playing with a mouse, letting it think it has some freedom before the cat playfully and lightheartedly KILLS IT DEAD.
Okay then. I had a couple of tiny bloopers over the weekend ("pride is the route of all evil"), but nothing outstanding. I should start getting some next weekend as the first round of papers comes in.
Thanks to Boston Globe.
Fingers crossed for no hurricanes, disaster, or heartbreak.
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