Army green, GI Joe green, and its related camouflage green, also puke green, which some rude individuals have labeled my guacamole dip. A pox on them. A better fashion choice is usually:
hunter green or forest green if you prefer, although it's not the color of any forest I've ever seen. I prefer:
good old emerald green, suggestive of the Emerald Isle, which I hope to visit one day. And of course a real emerald would be nice, but I can't picture my fat finger with a giant honking gem like that on it. I think emeralds are in the category of big-ass jewelry, not my thing. Next up:
loden green, which always makes me think of "loden in your pants" and then:
kelly green, which varies by dye lot, I guess, since Google has about twenty different shades of it. And of course:
lime green, very yummy, and:
sea green, which is rather boring and has a lot of blue,and:
Oops, sorry, just a couple more. I don't like it when Bette has to step in.
But none of these, not one, compares to the bright wonderful green that the leaves are right now.

Even my camera can't really capture it. But this shiny new green promises everything, doesn't it? Beauty when all was stark and ugly only a week ago, optimism in the face of daunting reality, and, if I may be forgiven, hope that something good is on the way.
And so, that's why I say that this week, dear reader, for me, is the best of the 52 we get.
I am traveling to Arkansas where they are well past this stage of green. I'll report when I get back.
A bientot
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