On the Dem side, Big H long ago switched from the headband-with-long-pageboy look to this short coif. It's functional, it's flattering, she keeps getting blonder. Well, so do I for that matter. She must own at least ten black pantsuits and I wouldn't mind that either.
Barrack Obama looks good. He's handsome, slender, smart, though in truth I have never heard him speak. I don't watch TV. I like his looks, though, and hope he doesn't start fistfighting Hillary. I hate conflict. His haircut is fashionable and not remarkable.
John Edwards obviously spends the most on his hair. It's awesome and not unlike Jon Bon Jovi/Bill Belichick.

The Rogaine ad agency must salivate every day at the prospect of getting Al Gore as a spokesperson. Also the Brylcreem agency. Here is a shot of Al karate chopping a giant redwood. I liked Al's beard a couple of years ago, but I guess he decided against the Elba Island Philosopher persona. Too bad.
I was going to include the Republicans here, but housekeeping duties await.
Did anyone buy that?
More later.
A bientot
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