I always think Cape Cod looks something like a guy holding his muscled arm up in the air. Provincetown would be his hand, Hyannis I think the elbow, and Falmouth the fleshy underarm. One of those Dr. Seuss dudes like the Grinch or Cat in the Hat, except we can't see his head. We're looking at him from the back.

Here's another look. It also could be someone's crooked finger, stuck out in the ocean beckoning someone over in England to get over here forthwith.
Really, I just wanted to say "forthwith" publicly and I'm over it now.

Here we are at one of our favorite places, Betsey's Diner in Falmouth. The advice in Betsey's window reminds everyone to "EAT HEAVY."
And it's in neon, folks, so what choice do we have?
The hash at Betsey's is divine (if you are my student, I'm referring to a meat dish, not an hallucinogenic substance, although you might see a few spots in front of your eyes after eating it).

We also like driving past the Nobska lighthouse in Falmouth. I think it's called the "Nob." It's very starkly beautiful as I guess are most lighthouses, but this one isn't difficult to get to, like many that you see on PBS. We like that. We're not into that "over hill and dale" thing.

You have to cross the Bourne Bridge to get to the Cape. Personally, I don't like bridges. I don't like to see them looming out of the distance. They scare me. Interestingly, I have talked to other people who say the same thing.
I pretty much have to grit my teeth getting across, especially if I am driving.

This is what you see when you first come across the bridge (over the Cape Cod Canal), this fun sort of topiary memorial to the cape. My friend's husband says he feels relaxed as soon as he gets to this point.
I am not a Massachusetts or New England native, so I am less relaxed and more worried about which road to take off the rotary.
There are restaurants and beaches, little shops with fabulous earrings and scarves, bookstores, statues and plaques (you gotta love statues and plaques).
And of course th

Almost Heaven. Wait. Is that slogan taken?
Living the Dream at the Cape
A bientot
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