Years ago I started a system where as soon as I finished reading a book, I would write it down with a synopsis and a ranking (up to 5 stars, unless I forgot and then it was only 4 stars). I felt really heartened and organized. Virgos love to be organized and we love lists, of almost any kind.
At long last, I would have a record of what I read, I'd be able to recommend books without having to scratch my head and make guttural monosyllables (the worst kind of monosyllable there is), and most important I'd know if I'd already read something.
You know THAT feeling, dear reader, when you set down the book and gaze up at the ceiling--Gosh, this seems familiar. I really think this guy is going to fall in love with a circus clown. Or I really think this girl is getting polio very soon. Yup, I was right. I've read it before. DAMN.
Okay, I admit the original system only lasted for one or two books. I'm not a true Virgo (moon in Leo, someone told me, and I suppose that's a more slatternly sign overall). I tried a modified version of the system, writing down a very short synopsis of the book and still awarding up to five (or four) stars. It's very empowering to award stars and I felt I wielded my authority in an unpretentious and fair manner. Some surprising books did not get a full five from me, but more of that another time. Eventually, I would sit outside the library and write a single sentence on the back of a coupon and still award the stars. Sentences like: Southern belle. Stupid husband.
Okay, so maybe they weren't real sentences, not in the actual sense of the word as we know it, or in the form I would accept from my composition students. And maybe they weren't actual synopses either. Blunt bullets I would call them, but they did the job. I was faithful. And I did end up with dozens of multi-colored coupons strewn through my car and blowing from the front seat to the back every time the door was opened. I did it, even when I didn't feel like doing it. A couple of times I managed to gather most of the coupons and take them inside where I compiled a paper list of ranked books. One of those lists is in my bedside table. I'm pretty sure. Though I haven't seen it in a few years.
What I'm trying to say is that I would like to spout off some books I've read this year but I haven't been keeping track.
So let's go with plain old random, what do you say?
A book I just finished is A SPOT OF BOTHER by Mark Haddon, which is brilliantly funny and I do love a book that makes me howl out loud. It's also darkly powerful which makes my laughter somewhat shameful. He also wrote THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME, another ripping good story. Why isn't this guy winning prizes?
I read, or re-read after many years, EAST OF EDEN. There are at least three full stories in there, not just the one about the two Cain and Abel type brothers. I have never seen the movie and have no desire to, although I'm sure James Dean is hot. One of the great villainesses of all times is Cathy. Yikes, what a meanie.
Okay, one more. I read GOODNIGHT STEVE MCQUEEN by Louise Wener and it was another British howler. I do love the Brits. I adore Judy Dench and Helen Mirren, nobody can give a line like they can. Also Eddy Izzard the comedian.
I guess that's it for books today.
I'm bogged down on my own.
A bientot
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