They lost. We're stunned. No one thought it would happen, not with Tom Terrific guiding the boys down the field. Oh well. Emotion courtesy of the beautiful and talented Maeve Motew.
Good Things That Make Up for Pats Loss:
1) Hardly any snow. My plow guy hasn't even been here this whole winter.
2) No 90 minute classes this semester. Those are, forgive the expression, ball busters.
3) Dice K, the new Red Sox phenom from Japan. Let's hope he works out. I imagine he is surrounded by interpreters night and day. That could be a fun job and I wish I spoke Japanese. "He says throw harder, Dice. Yeah, I know. The finger thing? I don't know what that means."
4) $15 still left on Starbucks gift card
5) I don't have polio.
6) I haven't been in a car accident.
7) Christmas still 11 months away.
8) No toothaches
9) Roof and windows intact
10) Four pounds to go to High School Weight.
10a) Fiendishly clever plot underway for new book.
Lies Told in Above List
1) No fiendishly clever plot. Struggling with ideas for two books at the same time.
2) Still five pounds to go. Body holding tough, in the red zone, won't give up points. Can't shake football talk.
That's because we're still stunned at loss.
But we are Here Now, dear reader and I will quote my mother.
It's a great life if you don't weaken.
A bientot
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