Friday, February 12, 2010

Getting to know author Jeanne St. James

Did you always want to become a writer?

As long as I can remember, I’ve loved to write. I don’t remember when I decided that I wanted to become published.

What is the most and the least interesting fact about writing?

The most interesting, in my opinion, is that writing is NOT as easy as some people think. I love when someone finds out that I write and they say “Oh, I want to write a memoir.” Really? You better make sure your life is really, really, really interesting! The least interesting fact is that once you are contracted there is still a lot of work to be done: editing, proofing, revisions, not to mention promoting. The work isn’t done when you write “the end.”

How did you celebrate your first release?

I really didn’t. I started working on my second and third right away. Once I released I could be published I was determined to go full speed ahead. I ended up having three contracts within a six month period, and then those three books came out within 5 months of each other.

Do you prefer stand-alone books or series?

To write, I prefer stand-alone, though I have a three book series about three small town cops who are brothers. That’s what I’m going to be working on coming up. To read, I like both. For example, I love Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. But I don’t have a lot of time to read – so I’m lucky if I get through one book in a couple month period.

If you could change places with one character from your books, who would it be and why?

I would have to say my heroine, Quinn, from Double Dare (an interracial ménage a trois with Loose Id). The reason? Well, *blushing* she gets to enjoy the love and attention of two gorgeous, well-built, successful men… at the same time. Sounds heavenly, doesn’t it?

If you could go back to any time period, which one would it be and why?

I think I’d like to stay in this time period, just be a little younger. I really enjoy the technologies that we have and would miss not having them.

You got to meet a mythical creature/person, who would you choose to meet and why?

Batman. He’s so hot and sexy! And he’s a hero: a true alpha male.

Where can readers find you on the web?

My website:

My blog:

My Facebook page:

My MySpace page:

My Twitter page:

That’s just to name a few places!

What is coming in 2010 that you want to tease the readers on?

I don’t really have anything planned right now. I have a few projects that I need to work on. But I just had Double Dare release on January 5th at Loose Id. And before that, Banged Up released at Liquid Silver Books in September. Rip Cord, my m/m erotic novella, released in November and hit the bestselling charts at Phaze and All Romance Ebooks immediately. I have been very busy promoting those releases. So right now I need to get my butt settled in the chair and write something else or finish my started manuscripts.

Sneak peek into Double Dare:

When Logan glanced up again, he saw a pink vision stalking toward him, and he sat up straighter. Shit, the cause of his earlier hard-on was coming his way.

She looked determined, and she still had a grip around her glass like it was a lifeline.

She stopped directly in front of him and put one hand on her hip.

“Are you Logan Reed?”

Oh, shit. “Yes?”

“You don’t know for sure?”

“Oh, I’m sure.”

“Are you fucking anybody right now?”

“Right this minute?” He glanced around to see if anyone else was hearing this surreal conversation. Luckily no one was paying attention.

“No. Do you have anyone who is going to get mad if I ask you to dance?”

“Uh. No.” Well, hell, that was a unique way of asking someone to dance.

She placed her drink on the table and he asked, “Is that still your second one?”

“No, third.”

“I was afraid of that.”

She grabbed his hand and pulled, but he was too heavy for her to lift, so he unfolded himself from the chair to accommodate her.

“Are you asking me to dance?”

“You have a problem with that?”

“Not at all.” He interlaced his fingers with hers and led her to a corner of the dance floor. Luckily for him, the D.J. had turned the lights down and was playing a series of slow tunes. Ones he could dance to. There was no way he was doing the chicken dance or line dancing. He had his limits.

As the slow, wailing tune blared through the large speakers, Logan slid his palms around her waist, his splayed fingers coming to rest at the small of her back. The fabric of her dress felt terrible, and he didn’t know why women wore shit like that and suffered. The dress certainly wasn’t flattering.

But it wasn’t the outer package that mattered to Logan, it was the prize he found inside when it was unwrapped.

He stepped in a little closer and pulled her hips closer to his. He swore he heard a little gasp. He smiled into her over-styled, dark blonde hair and nuzzled it. Underneath all the hairspray, he caught a scent of wildflowers. It smelled nice.

“What’s your name?” he murmured into her hair.

“What?” She turned her head a bit, and she ended up nuzzling his neck. Her lips, the shape of which reminded him of an archer’s bow, were warm and soft, and he could detect the fruity scent of the Slammers on her breath.

She was average height for a woman, which made her a bit shorter than him, so he had to lean down a bit to place his lips against her ear.

“What’s your name?”

He felt the shiver of her body against him, so he traced the delicate shell of her ear with the tip of his tongue. The touch was light enough, but she unmistakably felt it. In response, she arched her back slightly, pressing her hips into his.
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