Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can You Hear Me NOW??? GOOOOOD!!

disclaimer: i've been told i was falling off with the blog, so i'm gonna try to keep it a bit more consistent. sorry to those who are faithful readers and commenters. i'm back on my shit.

Communication- the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs

i added this definition because it seems like there is a fine line drawn between the sexes about what this word REALLY means. Personally, i'm excellent at communicating when needing to get my point across, when working on a project, when speaking to a boss or co-worker, or any other daily part of my routine where communication is needed...i'm good at it.

For some ODD reason though...i am not so great at communicating with my own man!! Our words get mixed up, signals get crossed, messages get know its not only me so WHAT IS IT ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS THAT MAKES IT SOO DAMN HARD TO TALK TO SOMEONE?

You could be the best of friends with someone and be able to share anything with them, tell them all your personal business and friends...but once a relationship enters the picture, guards go up and barriers are placed on the communication lines.

Its so crazy to me because i feel like as a couple, there should be nothing that you cant communicate with your mate. Relationships bring so many things into play (i.e. jealousy, envy, pride, miscommunication, trust issues, "rules", its so damn crazy.

Females see communication as something positive that can build a relationship and keep it strong. To us, it helps build and gain trust, helps prevent dumb ass issues caused by miscommunication and at the same time, keeps both parties on the same page.

Males, on the other hand, see communication as a way a female is trying to control them. To them its like telling us what they're doing means they are reporting to us. Like its so bad just to say where you're at or what you're doing. Smdh @ that.

I could be wrong about both parties let me know if i am.

I guess my real inquiry is...why does it seem like when you get into a relationship with someone...the communication fucks up?

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