Monday, June 30, 2008

Last Day in June


One more day left.  Some people say that after the Fourth of July, it's all downhill.  After the Fourth of July, summer is over.  


My dad sometimes says, "Cheer up, cold weather's coming!"  I don't know what that means.

I will be getting my computer back in the next couple of days, I presume, so I can resume wasting my time on the internet and trying to figure out the ending to my book.

I had a wonderful weekend at a writers' meeting.  One of my friends wrote a hilarious story about buying underwear.  It involved taking the escalator up and down several times.  I myself did some thinking about some decisions in my story.  It helps to talk about stuff like that sometimes.  And of course sometimes It's not helpful.

Also recently, I went to the Berkshires and saw Shaw's CANDIDA.  It was great.  Very heavy and Victorian and intellectual.  Ponderous you might say, although tastes have changed greatly in our time.  I love being in that area because everyone seems so smart and well read.  They use words bigger than "futon," and it makes me swoon.

The cats departed with their mommy and daddy in my absence.  I miss them, although I do like keeping the bathroom door open and the garbage in a more accessible place.  GOODBYE HANSEL AND GRETEL.

I did surprisingly well for weight on the weekend.  I was on a tequila diet.

Hot and humid here in New England, dear reader.  Hope it's nice where you are.

A bientot

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