Sunday, October 31, 2010

UFO sighting under rainbow in Tennessee, Oct 17 2010 photos of Saucer.

Date of sighting: Oct 17, 2010
Location of sighting: Tennessee, USA

My daughter and I went out onto the porch to take photos of the rainbow after that big storm was about passed thru. She and I were taking pictures at the same time but she caught this disc in one of her pictures.

We didn't realize what was there until we started to review on the camera the pictures she took. I imediately down loaded them to the computer.

We were totally surprised to see this disc. You can see the sunshine hitting the top and the shadows on the bottom so we knew it was something solid. It didn't show up on any of my pictures on the other camera.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting linked to Horse Mutilation in Argentina, Oct 17, 2010, see photos.

Date: October 17, 2010

Argentina: Horse Mutilation in Pueblo Esther

Pueblo Esther is a small community to the south of Rosario in the Province of Santa Fe, which has accustomed us to news stories concerning the UFO phenomenon.

Several persons claim having seen lights in the fields, ad the locality indeed boasts a significant case history.

On this occasion, the news involves the appearance of a mutilated animal, specifically a young horse, found with the typical inscision to its jaw, total extraction of the eyeball and excision of the ear canal and the tongue, leaving the hyoid bones expones.

The case was reported by Fernando Schienke, who found the horse in a field near his home. Astonished by the injuries to the specimen, he tried to find information about them.

The animal was found on October 17, 2010 and we are still waiting for more details from the witness. In the meantime, we are disclosing a series of details on the investigation. A series of photos will show the aspects to be kept in mind when investigating mutilation cases.

We can quickly observe that the wound presents a net incision with tissue dehydration and in some parts, removal of hair down to the skin along the cut. The type of incision can be clearly made out in a magnified photo. There is neither tearing nor remnants of tissue on the bone, which turns out to be one of the differentiating factors.

The presence of flies: this factor is very interesting, since many pathologists argue that the loss of soft tissue is due to phagocytosis by fly larvae. These photos show how flies begin to work on the animal’s carcass. No colonies of bacteria are visible, no fly larvae. This indicates the insects’ first contact with the carcass. However, the wounds are as latent as the incisions.

Over years of investigation we have been able to establish some basic patterns, the start of action by flies, the carrion animals that appear first, such as the wild boar, as well as some birds. However, all of them appear some 72 hours after an animal presenting these injuries has been found.

Birds tend to make their mark through feces on the back of the animal. We are expecting more details on the case with a follow-up of the area. This incident is a test case for Vision Ovni, as the town of Pueblo Esther is an area of multiple sightings, and a very important item of information for research as a whole.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

Hangover Helper Comedy & Burlesque Show kicks off Dec. 5th 2-4 or 5pm! $5

for immediate release...

Co Hosts Whitney Streed & Miss Frankie Tease come together in this event to book some of Portland's most ravishing burlesque dancer entertainers, and funniest stand - up comedians! This sit down fast paced show will be comfy and perfect for your "hangover helper" moment, doubling as your Sunday Brunch. Come alone or with friends and let us show you a GREAT time! 

Whitney Streed, Carmen Trineece, Todd Armstrong, Dennis Williams. Miss Frankie Tease, Jewels Belly Dancer, Sandria Dore', Nat Tango, Blaze the contortionist.

Prizes, surprises and disguises.

Buffet style brunch $5 / Door fee $5. The amazing Bloody Mary bar will be open (sold seperately) ! 

Tonic Lounge is 21+ and located at 
3100 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland OR. 97212. 
Sunday 12.5.10 /2-5pm $5
Come on time for good seats and food !

Our final stop on the Haunted America Tour:

Haunted America Day 5

It is difficult to define a haunted place as each has unique paranormal activity. Researchers can put in a ton of hours just to study one particular place before assigning it “Haunted”.  This final stop on our tour is one place considered to be the scariest!

Reminder-Anyone who comments this entire week up to Halloween day is entered to win a $10 gift card to ArE ebook store. Make sure to leave your email address inside comment to be entered.

Haunted America #6: The Haunting of the West Virginia Penitentiary

West Virginia State Penitentiary is considered by many to be the scariest haunted prison in America and by the sounds of the ghost stories and history of the prison its obvious why. West Virginia State Penitentiary was opened in 1876 with 250 inmates going straight into the cells. If you look at any pictures of the prison you will see a very Gothic and spooky building, even if the prison wasn’t haunted it would still spook most people.

It was decided that the prison would be extended in 1929, the construction did was not completed until 1959. In these 20 years the prison was grossly overcrowded with some cells having 3 inmates each.

West Virginia State Penitentiary is the home of many executions over the years it was open either by hanging or electric chair, but executions were not the only deaths in the prison; Illness, Overcrowding and Riots killed many inmates.

How haunted is this place?

Over the years visitors and paranormal investigators have commented on being touched or feeling ’something’ close to them, many have said that feel that someone is watching them. Of course this prison will give most people the spooks because of the spooky building but 3 different ghosts that keep coming up when asking visitors for details on their experiences.

The Maintenance Man

This is the most popular of the 3 to come up. A maintenance man working at the prison when it was open used to spy on the inmates and reporting the inmates’ bad behavior. One day he was in the bathroom, he was attacked by several inmates and killed. He is said to be lurking in the bathroom where he was savagely murdered, but he makes no contact with the living.

Robert the inmate

Robert is said to be an inmate who was violently murdered by the prison guards who were known to be physically abusive towards the worse inmates. They would beat them to ‘near’ death, but this time ‘near’ was too far and they killed Robert. His remains are said to be buried behind one of the walls in the prison. Roberts’s spirit walks the prison to this day terrifying anyone he comes into contact.

Avril Adkins

Last but certainly not least is the story behind Avril Adkins, he was sentenced to hang by the neck until death. He was taken to the Gallows for hanging but something went wrong during the hanging and Avril fell through trap door and landed on his head, he had a very serious head injury. The guards picked him up, took him back up the stairs and hung him, this time he died. Many visitors to the prison have said they have seen him walking around the Gallows where he died.

West Virginia State Penitentiary is now closed to all inmates, but it is open to tourists and visitors.

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Alien abduction woman from Canada steps forward to tell her story, #ufosighting

Corena Saebels, a 54-year-old mom who lives in Kelowna, B.C. believes her family has been subjected to otherworldly experimentation.

For some Canadians, the debate over the existence of UFOs is more than a pop-culture pastime.

It’s up close and personal.

They are part of a worldwide collection of people who believe they’ve been abducted by an alien race.

QMI Agency's Thane Burnett spoke with Corina Saebels, a 54- year- old mom who lives in Kelowna, B.C., and believes her family has been subjected to otherworldly experimentation.

Q - You have two children. What do they think about all this UFO talk?

A - They have both suffered first- hand experiences since early childhood, and still live with some of the after- effects from contact with these beings. They know the reality of what is really going on!

Q - You call yourself an abductee. What does that mean?

A - On a personal level, to be an abductee means that from early childhood, my children and I have been taken many times against our will, and had our bodies, minds and spirits raped.

Q - You live in Kelowna. People don’t often think about abductees in this country. Have you come across others?

A - There are many abductees in Canada. The support group which I held in Kelowna alone, held over 10 people ... from all walks of life.

Q - Can you boil down your experiences into highlights?

A - Sure. For all of us, it began between four and five years of age, then once a teenager the visitations became more frequent, taking DNA material from us. It seems to be going from generation to generation. To this day we still have unwanted visitations.

Q - Any witnesses to what you’ve gone through?

A - Yes, there are many eyewitnesses to what we went through, from friends witnessing a ship over our house and then us missing through the night, to eyewitness reports from strangers given to UFO researchers after an event.

Q - Any medical evidence?

A - We do have some medical evidence of the after- effects, such as photographs of burns on our bodies and marks on the ground after an event.

Q - Are these aliens good or bad?

A - My personal belief is that there are many different species of aliens, and like us humans, there are benevolent ones and also malevolent ones. For us, unfortunately the "Greys" are the ones that have been dealing with us.

Q - Why are the "Greys" so nasty?

A - The "Greys" have no emotions. So they are not affected by how much pain and trauma they deliver. They are like robots who simply come to do their job and then leave.

Q - When did you last have an alien encounter?

A - My last encounter was this last summer. For some reason, these beings seem to have a pattern with when they come back. It is usually in late July and about every three years.

Q - Couldn’t there be a great many explanations for what you’ve gone through, beyond UFOs and aliens?

A - Sure there are and always will be some other explanations for what people sometimes see and experience, but in some cases like ours, there are no other explanations and there is too much proof to think otherwise.

Q - You wrote a book, called The Collectors. How’s that selling?

A - Actually, I never intended to write a book. But after my 2003 experience, I was so paralyzed with fear that I decided to make the fear work for me by turning my diary into a book, hoping to help others like ourselves know that they are not alone and to have courage in coming forward with their own stories. It was not intended to make me rich.

Q - On the site you use to sell the book, the theme from the X- Files plays. Is that an anthem among believers?

A - No, not really. I simply used the X- Files theme because most people relate the song with paranormal subjects.

Q - Do you come across many people who just don’t believe you?

A - To be quite honest, for many years we dealt with disbelief and ridicule, but in the last couple of years or so, we have found individuals becoming believers and being much more supportive. In fact I have been doing presentations in the U.S. and Canada on the subject.

Q - There’s been a lot of news stories lately on UFOs, including a group of U.S. airmen who came forward last month to talk about their UFO experiences. What’s your take on the stories?

A - I think that it is absolutely wonderful that these people are coming forward with what they know. Their courage in sharing their information with the public will help us put the pieces together and finally understand what and who we are dealing with.

Q - What’s your message to people?

A - My one message to people would be: Whether you are an abductee or some official with a story and a piece of the truth, have no fear in coming forward, for it is with knowledge that we will succeed in getting the truth.

Q - What’s your message to any aliens out there?

A - To the benevolent ones I would say: If you know and see what these malevolent ones are doing to us, please, stop them from hurting our children, and help us!


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

Saturday, October 30, 2010

NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are real & his UFO Sighting on Shuttle Columbia!

NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are real & his UFO Sighting on Shuttle Columbia!

His Name: Story Musgrave from STS-80 mission.

Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-80 took a crew of five astronauts into a 17 day, 15 hour and 54 minute mission around the earth, the longest flight in the history of this vehicle. During this lengthy flight a very strange event occurred that even had crewman Dr. Story Musgrave unable to explain what he observed from the shuttle windows.

A large disc shaped object appeared below the Columbia. The shuttle was approximately, 190 Nautical miles high.

The disc was first observed to miraculously appear from out of nowhere, flying through the clouds below and progressing from right to left as the astronauts stared in utter amazement. The outer rim of the craft appeared to be rotating counter-clockwise. It was very large (compared to common space junk and breakaway ice), approximately 50 to 150 feet in diameter.

Astronaut Dr. Story Musgrave, a Payload Specialist on the STS-80 Mission, was interviewed following the flight. As he viewed a videotape of the incident which showed lightning flashes in the atmosphere, the city lights of Denver, Colorado and other earthbound sights, he stated: "I don't know what it is. Whether it's a washer, debris, ice particles, I don't know. But it's characteristic of the thousands of things which I've seen. What is not so characteristic is it appears to come from no where. You would think that if it's facing the dark side or facing a side towards you which is not reflecting the sun, you would think that you would see something there. It's really impressive."

During an earlier interview, Dr. Musgrave stated he attempted to communicate with ET life forms during each of his six missions. He actually asked them to take him with them. Now that's an astronaut with a lot of courage. Dr. Musgrave retired after this flight from NASA. Since then he's been spreading his considered opinion that alien life exists. When Musgrave speaks of this, it's no great leap for one to assume he's admitting knowledge of alien life. As the final slide of a "Grey" ET was shown during a recent astronomy presentation by Dr. Musgrave, he made this surprising comment: "These guys are real... I guarantee it!" Dr. Musgrave does know the truth. This author guarantees it!

Consider that carefully. These are world renown scientists making statements almost beyond belief. Dr. von Braun and others of his stature have the courage to disclose "sensitive" information, but obviously the leaders of the USA and the world do not. If billions could find a way of coping with the overwhelming threat of atomic annihilation for half a century, it is reasonable to assume we can cope with the knowledge of these "Other Intelligence's" from the stars. We can cope with the fact they are visiting earth, and have been since the beginning of history. We must. Those still asleep must open their eyes. We Are Not Alone.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Haunted America Day 5: The Stanley Hotel

Picture is courtesy of

Haunted America Day 5

It is difficult to define a haunted place as each has unique paranormal activity. Researchers can put in a ton of hours just to study one particular place before assigning it “Haunted”.  Our next trip into Haunted America comes to a hotel that has ghosts who are residents and are non-violent.

Reminder-Anyone who comments this entire week up to Halloween day is entered to win a $10 gift card to ArE ebook store. Make sure to leave your email address inside comment to be entered.

Haunted America #5: The Stanley Hotel

The Stanley Hotel is in Estes Park, Colorado it is a 138 room hotel which has amazing view of the Rocky Mountain National Park. The Hotel was opened in 1909 by American businessman, Freelan Oscar Stanley. Stanley suffered from Tuberculosis in 1903 and was asked to move west in order to help his recovery, while staying in a log cabin in Estes Park he instantly loved the area and he decided to build The Stanley Hotel there.

Hauntings of The Stanley Hotel……..

The Stanley Hotel has many stories but no of which have been violent, so it appears that the ghostly residents are just that, residents. Hotel workers and guests have commented on hearing the piano in the Ballroom being played, when it is investigated no one was found at the piano or even in the Ballroom. The employees of The Stanley Hotel believe that it is the wife of Mr Stanley that is the ghostly piano player.
Room 418 is said to have the most paranormal activity and the full 4th floor has the majority of the paranormal activity, the sound of children playing in the halls has been heard on a few occasions even though there have been no children around. There are reports of people seeing a man standing in their rooms and then running into the rooms closet, others have said they have seen someone standing in the middle of there room and then just disappearing.

The most prolific story to date is the one from GhostHunters TV show, while the camera crew was changing the tapes in their cameras a table had jumped two feet into the air! Now this would have been great evidence if caught on camera. Also, Ghost Hunter Jason stayed in the room of which a spirit stealing from guests is said to stay during the night he claims that the bed moved, closet doors locked and unlocked and his glass at the side of his bed cracked open from the inside.

A person was on a ghost tour of the hotel and happened to take this picture just out side the hotel. As you can see the window has a child at it, but the figure is very hazy when it shouldn’t be because that window is actually opened. The person that took the photo investigated into this photo and called the hotel. This is the response he got:

OK, the room number is 1211. Last Friday, there was a single man checked in that room who was part of a business conference. That doesn’t mean he DIDN’T have a child with him, but it is unlikely that he did. — Stanley Hotel

The paranormal activity present in The Stanley Hotel is a lot, I do have no reason to think that there are any violent or bad spirits present. So if you are ever near The Stanley Hotel and are need of a hotel for the night, you know where to go.

An Immortal Treat with Poisedon and Mila & A Contest

 An Immortal Treat and Contest with Poseidon and Mila by Susan Hanniford Crowley

Poseidon, god of the sea, and his beloved Mila (from Poseidon’s Catch by Susan Hanniford Crowley) would love to share the new desert they’ve created to celebrate the festival of Dionysus (which happens to be at the same time as Halloween).

Fire Blossoms in Snow

Cherries (pitted)
Quart of Vanilla Ice Cream
Bag of Oreo Cookies
Chocolate syrup
Quart of Cherry Ice Cream


1 Crush the Oreo Cookies in a bowl
2.      In a small bowl put a scoop of Cherry Ice Cream
3.      Crisscross with chocolate syrup
4.      Spoon in two tablespoons of crushed Oreo Cookies
5.      Crisscross with chocolate syrup
6.      Add a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream
7.      Cut each cherry in a crisscross (cut cross ways but not all the way through) and spread the four petals like a flower
8.      Place two or three of your cherry flowers on the top

In these modern times, even the Greek Gods need to adjust.  When Poseidon wanted to find love, he wanted to make the best impression possible on a modern woman. 

BLURB of Poseidon’s Catch:

Sexy Poseidon aches for eternal love.

Mila would be content to taste love
once however fleeting.

When Poseidon meets Mila, a passion
ignites in him that he's never known
but she is burdened by a secret.

Can Poseidon save the woman he
loves before the sands of time run out?


“I want to hear what Aphrodite suggests.”

Her smile broadened. “For starters, the beard has to go. It makes you look old.” She tousled his hair. “That wavy black mane of yours could use a trim. Oh, those gorgeous cerulean eyes are perfect. Maybe some sunglasses to play a sexy game of peek and boo.”

The two gods followed the goddess of love, as they went down two corridors and into her throne room. A mirror on a marble table stood off to one side. The three gazed into it at once.

“Now to find the perfect place where Poseidon can fall in love.” Paris lit up then faded. Numerous romantic locations displayed their glory in Aphrodite’s mirror. Finally it was down to two: The French Rivera and Cancun.”

A frenzy of almost nude dancing bodies filled their view. “Cancun is having a bacchanal?” Poseidon stared wide-eyed at the wet barely clad beauties.

Apollo drooled. “This one. Posei, pick this one. I’ll go with you.”

The view kept changing. In a sea of faces, Poseidon saw one small delicate face. Then she was gone, lost in an ocean of sprawling, celebrating, feasting humanity.

Aphrodite giggled. “Cancun it is then.”

Poseidon's Catch  by Susan Hanniford Crowley is now available at

In addition to Greek Gods, Susan is also the author of the Vampires in Manhattan series. 

Now for the contest, visit and discover which book is the love story of Vampire David Hilliard and Telkhine Laura Cordelais.  Come back here and post the title of thata book in the comments.  The winner will be selected from those giving the right answer. Good luck.  The contest ends
midnight EST on Halloween. The winner will have their choice from the following pdf ebooks: A Vampire for Christmas, When Love Survives, or The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais.  May the ghosts be with you!  LOL


UFO sighting linked to entire China Village Disappearing on Oct 13, 2010, see video.

UFO sighting linked to entire China Village Disappearing on Oct 13, 2010, see video.

Date of sighting: October 13, 2010
Location of sighting: Qinling Mountains, China

Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi province (there is a pyramid in the region, the fabulous 1,000-foot White Pyramid of Xian and a nuclear facility).

This UFO sighting is across the internet. I searched the key terms in Chinese (消失在秦岭村) and found hundreds of articles in Chinese which state that there are several reports and each is slightly different from the other for some reason. There have been many reports of mass amounts of Chinese soldiers coming off the freeway and entering the village area. The roads in and out of the village have been barricaded by the military. One report of a junior high student in the area stated; "Passing from the streets near our city I saw tanks, missiles, transport vehicles often covered with canvas." Read below and see what you think about this. For me, it appears a hidden nuclear base may have had an explosion and was mistaken for a UFO, but perhaps I am wrong, check out the video below which is the only real evidence so far to get out of China.

At 4:00 on October 13 Qinling event, reportedly, four in the morning today, a village in the Qinling mountain inexplicably disappeared. Now the military has cordoned off the area. According to eyewitnesses, a UFO flying around. Qinling Mountains in the snakes have fled, there are also insiders of the nuclear base in the Qinling Mountains in the accident.

Baidu Post Bar in the Qinling reporter saw a lot of friends concerned about the so-called "foot of the Qinling Mountains next village disappeared." More users skeptical on the matter.

Reporters today (October 13), respectively, to Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, Shaanxi Military District, and the Qinling Mountains surrounding Hanzhong, Ankang, Baoji, Xi'an, Shangluo confirmation, the parties did not receive any relevant reports have indicated that Network attached network belongs to the rumors.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting over Munich, Germany during sunset, Amazing oval craft, see video.

UFO Sighting over Munich, Germany during sunset, Amazing oval craft, see video.

Sighting Date: October 20, 2010
Sighting location: Munich, Germany

This video shows an oval glowing craft in the day time over Munich. It looks very huge as it flies over and around the clouds during sunset. I have said time and time again, (Scott C. Waring-blog writer) that if you want to see a UFO sighting, most sightings take place during sunset, so that is the time you should go out with a camera that has a zoom on it. This video is one of the best I have seen in many months. This video makes my consider that "The Agency" might be real.

This video was released by a group calling themselves "The Agency." They are a group of aliens that try to look after humans. Odd as it seems it sound legit. I read the description under their video that is suppose to be a letter from The Agency about the sighting, here is a passage of it, source is below:

"Update from the Agency #6
Posted by The Agency on October 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM

It is with a great disheartened sadness that we send this message to you.

Before we can materialize in your atmosphere, we must ensure that we have adequate support. Decloaking, after a public announcement, requires a lot of planning, backup, and cautiousness. We cannot simply decloak in your atmosphere when ever we feel like it.

In preparation for October 20th, we were setting up a support network, so that we could pass over Munich. Our intention was to partially decloak for 15 seconds, 100 meters from the ground, as we travelled over the city at great speed. We would have been heard , felt and seen by tens of thousands of people.

The support fleet involved 16 large vehicles. As we were arriving for preparations, we were ambushed. We do not know who we were attacked by, except that it was not your establishment, or "the help". We suffered great and irreplaceable losses. It seems that the old ones may have returned sooner than expected. Many of our vehicles were able to retreat, but some of them could not escape the grip of your atmosphere and were slowly incinerated by weapons of great heat and power."

Continue reading it at:

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting over Knotts Berry Farm, Los Angeles on Oct 27, 2010 by NBC News, Photos.

UFO Sighting over Knotts Berry Farm, Los Angeles on Oct 27, 2010 by NBC News, Photos.

Sighting location: UFO Sighting Over Knotts Berry Farm, Los Angeles, California.

Sighting date: October 27, 2010

This sighting of a UFO hovering over Knotts Berry Farm was first posted on NBC Los Angeles TV News. An eyewitness took this iphone photo and showed it to NBC news. It clearly shows a disk like craft above the ride. Perhaps thrill seeking aliens?

This photo is extremely creepy," said Ryan Boone, who claims to have snapped the shot Tuesday before 10 p.m., while waiting in line to ride the Xcelerator rollercoaster.

The 31-year-old Beverly Hills resident sent the photo (original pic) to NBCLA. The photo, which Boone claims is not doctored, shows part of the coaster and looming above it, is a glowing, triangular object in the sky.

"At first I thought it had to be a glare, but there was nothing in the sky to glare off of," said Boone.

He laughed, "I've never been a believer in UFOs until I took this photo and saw it with my own eyes."

Perhaps only adding fodder to conspiracy theorists is that this isn't the first report of a UFO sighting over Knotts Berry Farm and Buena Park. That's if you believe the various websites that track these sorts of things.
As for Knotts Berry Farm, a spokesperson told NBCLA that no visitors had reported seeing anything suspicious to park workers on Tuesday night.

NBCLA sent the photo to the Federal Aviation Authority for review. A spokesperson said they will look into the matter.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Haunted America Day 4: The Ghosts of Bowling Green State College

Haunted America Day 4

This college has the distinction as being one of the most haunted in America.
Reminder-Anyone who comments this entire week up to Halloween day is entered to win a $10 gift card to ArE ebook store. Make sure to leave your email address inside comment to be entered.

Haunted America #4: The Ghosts of Bowling Green State University

The grounds and precincts of the Bowling Green State University has the distinction of playing host to a number of haunted events making it one of the most affected places in terms of haunting. The theater within the University has a ghost visitor named “Alice” and many have sighted a woman with flowing hair repeatedly making a visit since the 1920s. Though nobody is aware of the exact reason behind the name of Alice, there is a belief that before the screening or holding of any major film or drama, the manager must formally extend an invitation to grace the event, the absence of which will render the event a failure.

This might be superstition but going by what transpired when a Henry IV production was supposed to take place, this superstition seems to be well placed. Apparently there was some loose talk about Alice during the rehearsals and very surprisingly on the opening day of the show, the University computers just went offline without any reason and certain props that were part of the show also suddenly gave way injuring some actors severely. People then believed that this happened due to the loose talk and Alice was the person who caused this to happen.

The Sorority House within the campus also has had a ghost in the form of Amanda visiting it quite frequently. She is reported to have been killed in a train accident and this happened the same night she was supposed to have been inducted into the Sorority. A particular room in the Sorority constantly witnesses strange poltergeist similar happenings with picture frames falling off suddenly and even lights getting turned on and off on their own, besides noises coming out of nowhere and without any warning.

The girls at the Sorority still leave a vacant seat for Amanda respecting her wish to become part of the Sorority when they take out group photographs

Mass UFO Sighting of multiple craft in Crucecita, Chile, Oct 23, 2010, see video.

Location of UFO sighting: Las Brisas, Crucecita, Chile

Date of UFO sighting: October 23, 2010.

October 23, ever since Tuesday the villagers of San Felix Valle, village of Alto del Carmen, remain baffled and surprised by consecutive sightings of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Object), both at night and in the day.

Villagers from the Las Brisas and Crucecita areas say they have seen for several minutes, three areas of intense light UFOs, which then rapidly disappeared in the vicinity of a high hill, perhaps indicating a hidden entrance is upon the hill somewhere as an entrance to an alien underground base.

Another eyewitness of this UFO phenomenon, which has been repeated on Tuesday night, managed to capture pictures in which one could see the creatures piloting the UFO. Video clearly shows a figure move across the window area of the craft.

These sightings, according to reports from Alto del Carmen, have led to the arrival of a UFO investigative team at a canal in Santiago to hear the personal eyewitness accounts of dozens of citizens that witnessed the event. Watch the Chile news cast about the UFO Sightings. Part 1& Part 2.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***